Thursday, September 11, 2008

22 Year Old Auctioning off Her Virgininity???

The link below is absolutely priceless. The story is about this college student who is actually going to auction off her virginity at the Bunny Ranch in Las Vegas. Where apparently she is trying to fetch one million dollars. She is quoted as saying, "I don't think auctioning my virginity will solve all my problems". Gee ya think. A million dollars? What fucking d-bag is going to pay that? I mean seriously you want to take a girls virginity do what I did, always carry a lot of booze with you (Zima always works) and hang out with young girls who for some reason think you are cool. A million dollars. I am laughing thinking about that, there is probably 5 women in the world that I would pay a million dollars to sleep with, and I sure as shit hope they arent virgins. I am guessing there is no cash back returns on this babes v-card.



Anonymous said...

I agree. If you're going to pay $1 Million to have sex, at least one of you should be good at it.

C-Weed said...

That is the most photoshopped head I have seen in some time. I bet she weighs 200lbs in real life and her snatch looks like a con queso filled pita.

Big Tasty said...

Haha I didnt even noticed how terrible bad that photo looks cropped. How bad would it suck if you one this auction and she was a hog. It wouldnt suprise me, the only virgins that are 22 these days are hogs.