Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Suprisingly Good Artice From the MJS

Blame The Victim

It has been a while since I have talked about any current events, and this article sums up my feelings on few happenings of the world. One being the farce that is Obama winning the Nobel Peace Prize. The article basically goes to state that Obama won the award for his anti-Bush sentiment, and I cannot really argue. President Obama has quickly pointed the finger at the previous regime, saying that there is little he can do to undue the mess done by Mr. Bush. Although that may impress the Noble prize voters, I doubt it impresses the American voters. I don't think he is really to blame for winning this award and basically making a total mockery of the award, but I do believe he is in way over his head as the leader of this country, and one tactic that may by him more time with his constituent is to bash the previous administration. The fact of the matter is most of the stimulus programs are failing and the problems with the economy, and to a larger extent the problems with unemployment and escalating deficits, seem to be years away from being fixed. I am not blaming the president for this, I realized his hands were going to be tied, but shifting blame away from yourself is a political trick I do not want to see in my President.

Another issue this article talks about is the fallacy that is global warming. I am all for moving into a more efficient world that is cleaner and less dependent on fossil fuels, with the technology we have it only makes sense that we use it to our benefit. However the reasoning I believe we should invest in going Green and more efficient is much different than most liberals, who believe Global Warming will lead to more and more extreme weather. The facts just do not support Global Warming. Temperatures are not continuing to rise, even though the level of CO2 into the atmosphere continues to do so. The fact of the matter is weather is very unpredictable, extreme weather is even more unpredictable. I have a feeling there may be some truth to Global Warming theories, but to listen to guys like Al Gore talk like Global Warming is the biggest threat to this planet is laughable. I remember taking phone surveys for a class in college. Most of these surveys dealt with political issues. Anyways most people i talked to under the age of 30 considered global warming to be one of the biggest issues the world faces, right after peace in the middle east. I think a trip to Africa, and see the problems with starvation, aids, and genocide, and you may push global warming to the back burner.

Oh and poor Roman Polansky. Here is a great link about his time in prison.


It seems like he is quite depressed. Sorry Roman, but if a bit of depression is all you are feeling after being put in jail for having sex with a 13 year old girl , I would consider myself quite lucky. Rumor has it prisons don't take kindly to kiddy fuckers. I also love the fact that much of Hollywood has come out and supported Roman Polansky. This is a fucking joke. Why should anyone receive special treatment? Especially a sex offender. I believe a 13 year old girl is probably old enough to give consent, but that does not make it even remotely right. You are taking advantage of a person who is old enough to make decisions on there own, but not necessarily logical ones. To take advantage of a little girls innocence should not only get you in prison, but probably neutered as well.


Timmay said...

Dude, no offense, but I'm going to go ahead and reject the validity of any phone survey data you claim to have collected.

Honestly, though, doesn't the entire scientific community pretty much agree that the world is getting warmer and that it is likely to cause climate change over time, which could be decidely inconvenient for human civilizatoin in various parts of the planet?

I think the major area of dispute is whether human production of CO2 is causing climate change and whether drastically reducing CO2 production will do anything to stop, slow or change the direction.

Obviously, Gore and his peeps think humans are making it happen and can make it stop. Others are skeptical and say there is no real proof of that. Who, anywhere, is saying that the average temperature of the planet isn't going up as a matter of objective fact?

Timmay said...

Also, I'm sure it's a type, but that article is in the WSJ, not the MJS.

Big Tasty said...

Yeah that was a typo. Oh and dude nice shot on the phone survey class, though I will say that I did complete many surveys for that class and only made up a few!

Anyways the entire scientific community does not agree that the world is getting warmer. The hottest global temps were recorded in 1998 and temps are actually cooling off since then. There are certain cities that are highly polluted where temps continue to rise, but as a whole, I dont believe the evidence neccassarily backs up the fact the humans have that big of an impact on the global climate. Much more likely is the fact that warming and cooling patterns happen naturally over time. The article states we are most likely in a 15-20 year cooling cycle right now, where temps will be down.

My whole point isnt that people are worried about global warming, because like I said I believe it is a reality, but the fact that it is such an important issue to so many Americans and politicians. I havent seen much evidence that global warming has had an effect on weather across the globe. I have also seen little evidence to show me that global warming can be stopped or controlled by controlling the amount of C02 into the atmosphere. I guess if i had to list priorities that I wanted to my govt to handle, fighting global warming would not be in my top 20 or 50. That however is just my opinion.

Here is the link to the article, in which it is believed the globe is actually in a cycle of cooling and not warming.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how you think a 13 year old girl is old enough or smart enough to give sexual consent to someone twice her age.

Big Tasty said...

Anonymous wake the fuck up, 13 year old girls are having sex all across the globe. So yes I think they are old enough to say yes, plese sex me. What I clearly said is even if the 13 year old girl consensted, banging her is cause to get locked up, and I am glad they finally turned his ass in.

Timmay said...

Well, I guess it has gotten a tad cooler over the past ten years, but if the warming trend had lasted only 10 years, nobody would have talked about that either.

It's kind of like saying I'm in a weight loss trend, even though I've gained 40 pounds in the last 15 years, because I shit out 8 oz. of old chicken skin last night and woke up lighter today.

It would be interesting if we did turn out to be in a cooling trend, because I think there was a history prior to the global warming scare that CO2 emissions and other pollution would actually cause cooling. Ugh.