Monday, January 11, 2010

I Was Afraid of This


It looks like a lot some of the "shovel" ready projects that were green lit in the first stimulus package are not producing the jobs that were expected. The construction industry seems to be a bit behind the rest of the economy in terms of the recession, and the worst times may still be ahead.

I agree with many of you that have said on here that green industry and the development of "clean" energy is going to be the next big wave of new jobs in this country. I do have a feeling that many of these new jobs are going to be focused towards people with degrees, so if you are without a job, I would suggest looking at going back to school right now. I would assume the construction industry is one of the leading industries for people lacking a college degree in this country. Those people may be without jobs for a long time if not forever. As Sage Francis so elegantly stated, "the rich get richer, until the poor get educated".

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