Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Merry Christmas! J.C. honors J.C.

For no particular reason, I feel like sharing this awesome clip from the Johnny Cash Show Christmas Special, which I believe aired in December 1970. This is a live performance of "Little Drummer Boy." I choose this one because as early as I can remember, probably about age 3, my mom had a Christmas album that had Johnny Cash performing this song on it. It was immediately my favorite Christmas recording and I would play it over and over throughout the Decembers of my early years, scratching the needle across the record to hear it again. Then, after Christmas, the record would disappear until the following holiday season, when I would start all over again. I'm sure it was Johnny's deep voice that caught my attention as a toddler, and I'm also sure that this early exposure contributed to me becoming a lifelong fan of Johnny Cash and his music. Now, 30-plus years later, I still love hearing it, even though it is a bit cheesy. But, hey, who can disrespect the great J.C. paying tribute to an even greater J.C.?