Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Kapler who?

Sorry Gabers, but you have been replaced. Not in my heart (no one can ever take that away from us) but you are no longer my Crewers man crush. Yup that is right Casey Mcgehee you have a new gentleman caller and his name is C-Weed. That could be the single gayest thing I have ever wrote. I digress. When CM came onto the scene in spring training I was skeptical as most. Wasn't sure what to think of this dude who came from the Cubs minor league system. But with every at bat and highlight reel play from the all over the infield I started to pay attention. When the Crew decided to hold onto him coming into the regular season. I was pretty stoked about it, he was on fence to make the starting line up. But his hot ass bat and above average defense got him the nod.
It is tough for guys who are used to playing every day to come in off the bench and make an impact hence Gamel Toe, Franky "Skat" Cat-ta-la-notta and Jody Gayroots. But KC McGay-hee has taken that old cliche of "make the most of your every oppertunity " and made sweet love to it. He is above my expectations and In my opinion should be an everyday player. I am not sure where you stick him. With Craiggers playing way above average and at 2nd and 3rd. Gamel needs to play everyday at 3rd so he can get his reps and become a dominating player we all know he can be. It would be easy to think you could platoon the 3 of them except Gamel is soley on the hot corner. But than I feel like you are defeating the purpose of getting these guys to play as much as possible. We are back to where we are now. I feel like KC is hurting Gamels opportunities to become that everyday 3rd baseman. KC and CC are too consistant at this point not to have them in the lineup every day and Gamel doesnt have the trust from Macha for some reason. I really feel like it comes down to KC and CC being way too productive at this point. The one thing Gamel has going for him is CC brittle ass knees and Hall not doing anything. So that should keep him up for now. With that said, is it crazy to think you send Gamel back the AAA so he can get his everyday work or do you leave him up to play twice a week getting his major league experience. It is a really titty twister of predicament, one of which I didnt think we would have after losing Weeks to the DL. Now we have too many middle infielders, that is actually a pretty nice titty twister to recieve.
Anyway I kinda got off the subject but I absolutley love Mcgehee and what he has been able to do. Guys who are suppose to spend their careers in the minors. Come up and take a team like the brewers, who have some of the best prospect talent and major league talent in the league and really make an impact. Is really awesome. I have found my new Gabe Kapler ladies and gentleman, a role I never thought could be replaced. Keep it up McGehee keep it up!

ps. did I mention he jerked off a granny last night after nearly losing the game for the crew by dropping a routine flyball at 3rd, that he looked into the glove the whole way. OMG LOL. I spilled a whole 1.75 of whisky that I was drinking while laying on the couch watching the game. They need to make a wide mouth bottle for whisky, Im just saying.
photo by:Benny Sieu, jsonline.com

Monday, June 29, 2009

Not Sure What to Say

I just saw this video, that a guy made to get back his girlfriend, and I dont know if it is the best or worst thing I have ever seen. All I know is if you have 8 minutes that you dont mind wasting at some point today, check this out. You be may be dissapointed, or you may think it is the greatest fucking video ever. Please leave a comment as to which category you fall in. I have to give this guy a lot of credit for the effort...

Friday, June 26, 2009

Live Music Friday - Wilco

Today, in honor of the recently deceased Jay Bennett, I will share a prior incarnation of Wilco. Jay was a guitarist, songwriter and multi-instrumentalist who joined Wilco a few years after their formation and was booted from the group a few years later, primarily due to personality and creative conflicts with the band's leader, Jeff Tweedy. It appears that Jay died tragically young of an overdose of pain relievers while waiting for a hip replacement surgery last month. Wilco has changed a lot over the years, so we may revisit different stages of their live act in the future. (They are still on Rolling Stone's Top Ten Live Bands list, and NPR recently crowned them "the best live band in America.")

For today, we'll take a look at how Wilco sounded when Jay Bennett was a member, and when I was first lucky enough to see them play in Madison. This song was written when Wilco was still in its "roots rock," "alt-country" continuation of what its predecessor, Uncle Tupelo, had been doing.

Jay Bennett is the crazy looking bastard with the dreadlocks on guitar. The song is "Outtasite (Outta Mind)," which was the first Wilco song I ever heard when the old Madison alt station 92.1 WMAD put it in their rotation in late 1996. By Feb. 1997, I saw them play live at the Barrymore and they've been in my top 5 ever since.

"Look out, here I come again and I'm bringing my friends."

RIP Jay Bennett, 1963-2009.

Crazy Bat Trick

This looks easy...

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Quite Possibly the Best YouTube Video Ever

Wow I dont know where to start on how fucking incredible this video is. I used to hate that auto tune shit, but I am starting to love it. It just points out how terrible the likes of T-Pain and Kanye are as musicians. I mean when you can just auto-tune people talking and make a decent song out of it, you have to realize that those guys are no talent ass clowns. Sorry bear, I will still listen to non-stop Kanye with you as we drive around Pelican Lake next weekend, but i wont be enjoying myself as much as you will. Everyone you owe it to yourself to watch this video!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Not that any of my readers care, but the United States just pulled off there biggest win ever, in knocking off #1 ranked Spain today 2-0. This is basically on par with the Hockey teams victory over the soviets nearly 30 years ago. The Americans lost one of there best players to a red card with five minutes left to go in regulation, so they will be short handed in the Championship game against, Brazil, most likely. Still this is the type of signature win that could propel the US to something big in the world cup. It may put soccer on the map in the US finally. Like I said I doubt many of you care, but it is a great game, and the Americans just pulled off a once in a lifetime shocker.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Lets Auto-Tune the World

Seriously auto-tune is the gayest thing next to man on man butt sexy. But this is fantastic. The world seems round all of a sudden!


I know, I know, yes another one. But I was laughing out loud at 11:25 pm.

Not Bad

I absolutely love College Humor Originals (mainly the Hardly working and Jake and Amir stuff) They had a show on MTV sunday line up last spring. It was kind of weird and not their best material, but a lot of production work went into it so I can appreciate it. I dont think anyone really understood it unless you watch these and know the type of humor they are bringing. I dont know I think a lot of their stuff is genious...

and if you can work Zach Galifianakis (I had to google his name, that is a fucked up name) you are tops in my book.

I Just Don't Get It

So Chris Brown had his hearing yesterday, I believe, and the judge did not issue any jail time. Even though there was direct testimony from the victim proving that he beat the shit out of her. Timmay I need a lawyers take on this. First Donte Stallworth gets 23 days in jail for killing a man while driving while intoxicated, now Chris Brown gets no jail time for beating the shit out of his girl friend. Is our society that fucked up or what? I can some what understand the stallworth situation becuase he was forced to compensate the family. I still think if it was an average person they would spend a minimum of 10 years behind bars, but I believe in that decision all parties agreed on a sentence that they all could live with. In this case, I just dont get why this fucking loser isn't going to live with the rapists and child molestors of the world. The real kicker is he has a restraining order now that says he cannot be within a 100 yards of Rihanna, and she is upset with that ruling and she was hoping that he would be able to be in contact with her again. Huh are you mental lady? This guy bashed your fucking face in. Now you want to forgive him? I have never ever raised my hands in anger to a woman, and I think it is quite possible the worst thing a man can do. I will never understand how women could go back to there man after something like this. Anyways maybe someone with a little more insight could fill me in, becuase I am at a loss of words right now.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Worst Song Ever Thread

I have been loving Timmay's friday music free for all, and I am happy to see there is actually some good music still to be found. I will keep that search for him and I hope he keeps up the good work. However, I would like to start a thread on the worst music that exists. So please post a link to the worst music videos that you can remember. Only songs with music videos will be inclused. I want to get 16 videos that we could set up in a little tournament format to find out what is truly the shittiest song that exists. Now I need your help DWI followers, it is time to come out of the woodwork with the worst music you can find. Let me have them! In the meantime enjoy some P, UGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Some Friday Fun

Found this video over at WithLeather. I think it is pretty damn funny.

A Little Fun For Friday

This is a hilarious website. I guess it could be classified as a site similar to Text's From Last Night. Basically it is hilarious emails and instant message conversations that have been sent to this site for everyone to view. Some of them are just priceless. I am sure many of us could submit a drunk sexting tale for everyones enjoyment, I know I could... The Foggy Monocle

Live Music Friday: The Hold Steady

The Hold Steady. Most people who pay close attention to rock music know who these guys are, but they aren't exactly mainstream. Based in Brooklyn, they are a band of veteran musicians with a singer-songwriter from the Twin Cities and a lead guitarist from Janesville, WI. A catchy-but-edgy brand of Springsteen-style working class rock, with cynical lyrics about everyday life, relationships, faith, death, and all other things that torture humankind.

They've been dubbed as the "Best Bar Band in America" for their entertaining and intense live shows. Rolling Stone rates them as one of the Top Ten Live Bands going right now. This clip is a Brooklyn performance of their tune, "Stuck Between Stations," which kicks off with a Jack Kerouac reference and then dramatizes the Mississippi River drowning suicide of alcholic poet John Berryman. I wanted to post a clip of a "real" live show, but the audio is much better on this Letterman clip if you really want to hear the song the way it should sound.

He loved the Golden Gophers but he hated all the drawn out winters.
He liked the warm feeling but he's tired of all the dehydration.

Who writes about this stuff? The Hold Steady.

By the way, their Madison show for July 10 is sold out (The Majestic), so you're all fucked.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sad But True

Entourage used to be one of my favorite shows, but sadly this video hits it right on the head. Each week something terrible happens to the guys, and the outlook is bleak only to have everything work out in the end. It is kind of like a Hollywood version of Power Rangers. It stil has some laughs, good cameos, and some beautiful bitches, but the show has jumped the shark, IMO.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Humpday: Ashley Greene

This is quite possibly the only reason I would ever see the film Twilight. I am not sure if she plays the lead sex interest, but she is definitely sexy enough to. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

This Doesn't Sound Good

I rarely use DWI as a forum for political debate but occassionally I come across something that I am forced to comment on. I suprised myself and voted for Barack after a lot of back and forth. I am beginning to regret that decision. First of all, it was what I thought a ridiculous economic stimulus plan, which talked about using tax payer dollars to help stimulate the economy. I totally disagree and I would be willing to wager that the economy will almost completely be turned around by the time that money even enters it. I firmly believe instead of government spending to get our economy back on track they should have given tax breaks to allow US citizens to spend there own money to stimulate the economy. As the economy slowly starts to turn around, we are still left with some major issues such as terrible high unemployment rates, and also we are still left with banks owning a great deal of homes in this counrty. To me this should have been the focus of the Presidents stimulas package. That was my first gripe.

My second centers around this link Take a second and check it out, basically Barack is using ABC News as vehicle to push his agenda, in particular his policy on a governemnt ran health care. This is something that I absolutely hate, as I would hope that the biggest media outlets in this country would only push non partisan agenda's. I guess that is what I consider when I think about the news. Journalists covering a story or event by just giving us the facts. That we as American citizens are smart enough to draw our own opinions and conclusions. I am fully against the govt controlling health care in this country. I believe every insurance man, Dr, Lawyer, drug salesman, drug manufacturer, etc have the right to run a business just like I have the right to run any business I would like. I realize there are problems with a free market on health care, but I dont think the govt getting taking over is the answer. Same as I dont think the govt should be running General Motors right now. And I definately dont feel like a major news outlet should use any air time to push the agenda of the democratic party. My whole problem with Barack, is he is proving to be way to fucking liberal. And liberals love to have govt control everything. I know that is about the dumbest way to explain my dissapoint in his first 100 days, but as I get older I get more and more like my father. A conservative S.O.B.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Caption Contest

I have been looking for a good opportunity to post this picture, and with the Lakers winning the championship yesterday I think I finally got one.

"Excuse me, Mr Rambis, your balls are showing"

Friday, June 12, 2009

This is Fitting

Nation's Girlfriends Unveil New Economic Plan: 'Let's Move In Together'

Why the Fuck Do You Have a Kid

This link is pretty damn funny or incredible sad, depending on how you want to look at it. In my pursuit to become a better father I stumbled across this website of people that definately should not be parents. Hopefully I do a bit better than these clowns. Link

Live Music Friday

Mad Trucker Gone Mad. It's not just a kickass psycho-billy outfit based in Madison. It's a lifestyle. They started out in the mid-90's with a different lineup, and have gone through some reincarnations since then, with the only constant being Isaac as the singer / guitarist. They don't play as much as they used to, but Isaac is a friend, so I still try to catch them when I can.

I had the good fortune of being at the show in the clip. We had just found out my wife was pregnant a couple of days earlier, so it turns out that this was my son's first live show as well.

Not only are they a raucous, in-your-face live act, they also remind me of a time when I was going out to see these guys just about every weekend, along with several other bands that they often played with. It was a fun time to be in Madison, and it took a major hit when O'Cayz burned down (a couple of hours after a rocking Mad Trucker show on New Year's Eve, attended by Yours Truly). Cathy from O'Cayz opened the High Noon Saloon, and that place is great, but it's just too big and too clean to continue the O'Cayz tradition. On the other hand, The Frequency gives me some hope that Madison will revive the tiny, shit-hole rock club tradition.

Around the 4-minute mark, you can hear one of the tracks from their first album release, about the time I had met those guys and started checking out their shows. Go ahead, treat yourself.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kung Fu Chicken

Has anyone noticed the KFC commercials? There are a bunch of normal people: families, white, black, kids, teens what ever. Then there are these 2 Asians wearing kamotos and looking like total stereotypes dancing around all weird. What in the fuck does that have to do with grilled chicken. Why cant they just be people like the rest of the cast. Why are they they only stereo types in the whole thing. I mean everyone else is totally normal and than these 2 Asian dudes are all crouching tiger hidden grilled chicken I don't get it, but I still want to sink my cracker ass teeth into some succulent grilled light skinned chicken.
ADVERTISING *shakes fist at the TV*
This isnt the specific mercial but it has the struggling Asian actors trying to pay the rent in it. Which brings me to another interesting point. There are multiple variations of this mercial and they all showcase the Asian dancers, trying to sound incoherent and dancing like...fags

Again what was KFC's motivation? Are they trying to make America believe that blacks aren't the true lover of chicken?!?! Don't fuck with me KFC, you are messing with 28 years of suggestive advertising!

Humpday: Heather Graham

I dont know what it is about Heather Graham that I like so much but she really does it for me. She can be seen in the nations top movie right now, Hangover. I haven't seen yet but would love some reviews from those that have. Enjoy!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Its Official Steven Seagal is "God"

Well a lot of my questions about the man or woman upstairs have been answered by this video. I thought Seagal may have had some clairvoyant powers when after watching Under Siege, I fell in love with cooking, strippers, and of course killing someone with either a throwing knife or my bare hands.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Umm This Looks Easy

I am not a big fan of soccer, but it is not because I dont respect what these guys can do, it is just tough to follow in the states. This is pretty amazing however.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Live Music Friday...

I'm going to try to keep up a regular routine of posting a live music clip every Friday. I will try to make it things that are worthwhile and that our reader(s) may not be familiar with. As a music snob, I say that not everyone likes good music, but everyone deserves to hear it. Deal with it.

For this inaugural Friday edition, I give thee a 1991 performance by the Pixies at Brixton Academy in London. I spent a full Summer buried in this album (Doolittle), and it has never left my regular rotation. Perhaps one of the most significantly influential bands of their era, counting Radiohead and Nirvana among ground-breaking artists who list the Pixies among their chief influences. I think this performance captures the live power that they once had in their prime.

With none of the faggy costumes or imitiation hip-hop swagger of the modern "hardcore" movement, these early 20-somethings stood still on stage in street clothes, looking like some kids from your dorm floor, and rocked it with raw power. They brought a great combination of nice, melodic tunes with abrasive and harsh vocals and bizarre, dark lyrics. Throw in a little surf rock influence and you've got something truly unique. They also pioneered a semi-punk style of quiet, melodic verses interspersed with a violently delivered chorus. This quiet-LOUD-quiet style has been mimicked by many since. (Curt Cobain said "Smells Like Teen Spirit" was basically a Pixies song.)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Super O'brien Bros.

This is awesome, Conans new back drop for his monologue is straight from Super Mario Bros. I enjoy it, but my fiance is fast to tell me that maybe someone just made that Super Mario Bros. screen grab to look like his backdrop. Feasible but I doubt it!!!!!! LOLOMGWTF

Awkward Family Photos...

Some beauties here, but the real laughs are in the very clever captions. Use it as inspiration for the caption contest.


"When you're the father of five girls, it's the small victories that count."

"How Grandma got her groove back."

Caption Contest

I dont even remember the last caption contest so i cannot award a winner. Good luck on this week, and dont take it easy on him, this is the same guy that when I sent a mass email saying I was having a girl he responded, "dibbs".

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


This past weekend, for the most part was spent packing and cleaning in preparation for my girlfriend moving in. Although seven months pregnant, Jenny, was working harder than just about anyone I have ever seen. We cleaned, re-arranged, decorated, and moved in all of her nice stuff to mask the fact that a bunch of men have been living in my place for better part of three years. The place that once was a bachelor pad, and a place where debauchery went down, is now a nice cozy home. I loved living with my roommates they were great, we had fun every night, I was never lonely, and many memories we shared. However, I have to tell you I was happy to see them go, and see Jenny move in. I guess it is kind of like flipping the page from one chapter of a book, to the next. I am sad to see that exciting chapter come to an end, but I am really looking forward to what is next. That of course being preparing for our newest member of our family! I wrote a rant a while back of being scared of not knowing what to expect with this child on the way, and to a point I still am a little bit scared and nervous. However that feeling is drowned out by the fact that I am living such a wonderful life, being surrounded by so many people that care about me. Excitement is really the only thing I feel lately, as the last 6 months have flown by, and I watch my child grow inside Jenny's stomach, it is hard for me to get overcome with joy. Yes turning the page on one of the most fun parts of my life was a little difficult, and living with a woman for the first time is sure to be an adjustment, but the idea of having my own home, and my own family, makes me eager to get started on those challenges.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Thats How You Get Pink Eye

So MTV and Bruno scored a pretty hilarious blow against Eminem at the MTV music awards, video can be seen below. Don't get me wrong I have always been a big Eminem fan, and I have been waiting for C$$$ to give a review of his new CD before I pick it up, but his reaction here is absolutely priceless. Yes I would be a little pissed if I got stink faced live on national television, but cmom Em, you write songs that bash nearly everyone including gays, I thought in attempt to show the hypocrisy towards that line of thinking. When clearly you are a homophobe, and a walking contradiction. You are a talented musician, but the act that once had me running off to get tickets to your shows, and be the first to have all your cds, has grown very tired. Fuck em!