Monday, November 1, 2010

Brody Dalle is something...

So, I've always kind of had a thing for punk rawk chicks who are kind of hot, kind of creepy, and who kind of scare me a little bit. I've had an eye on Brody Dalle for a few years, but now she's kind of recreated herself a bit. She started off in The Distillers about 12 years ago, quite young as a punk rawker with a very Courtney Love vibe, except she's better looking and can really sing. Now, she's in a new outfit called Spinnerette, and she can still wail but she looks a little cleaner and sounds a little more poppy. Either way, I'm still kind of scared and kind of curious. I don't really need to worry about it since I'm old, fat and married and she's younger, hot and married to the dude from Queens of the Stone Age.

First, with The Distillers in about 2003... WTF is she singing? That just makes her scarier.

All my friends are murder
All my bones no marrow's in

Now, the newer thing she calls Spinnerette. This one is from 2008. Wonder what sort of appeal they are going for the close up shot of the red lipstick lips singing all of those whoaaaaaoooooaaaooooas?

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