Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Want to Stick My Thumb in Your Butt!

Well as it turns out I wont have to move to Japan anytime soon. According to the ABC News article, kinky sex is on the rise in this country, and is becoming more and more accepted. All I can say is it is about fucking time. Personally I am not into bondage and I don't think I have any fetishes but I subscribe to the theory that whatever you and your loved one want to take part of in the bedroom should be ok. I don't believe there is anything out there that is too taboo. Basically the article is saying the rise in kinky sex can be correlated to the Internet, where you can find just about any crazy fucking sex act you would like. Chances are if there is something that peaks your interest you will find somebody on the Internet that has the same interest. I think this is fucking awesome. Why should some 40 year old man with a foot fetish be completely bored with his sex life? Just because you like something different certainly doesn't make it wrong. I would like some feed back on this taboo subject. Don't worry I wont ask for any of your kinky sex tales. However I will ask this, what are your thoughts of the world becoming more kinky in there sex lives? What do you think this can be attributed to? Also, in your personal opinion do you believe the Internet is responsible for this? If so do you think this is a good or bad thing? Come on people weigh in, everyone and I mean everyone likes to talk about sex. C$$$, hell you taught me have the things I know about kinky sex so I hope to god you have an opinion on this.


Anonymous said...

I'm not too kinky at all, but if both you and your lova are into it, go for it. I don't think it's just the internet that has led to this though. I think sex in general is more socally acceptable to talk about. I a bit of a prude myself, I blush when I talk about it, but just about every conversation I have with friends - and sometimes coworkers (I work in a very laid back building) - has some hint of sex in it.

Perhaps, this totally kinky attitude has always been there but has been hidden under shame, but since it's more socially acceptable to talk about makes it more apparent.

Anonymous said...

I think it's a good thing. Fly your freak flag, freak-shows!

Seriously, though, I like Chris Rock's take on relationships - if it's going to last, you have to be into the same things. If you like to smoke crack, you better marry a crackhead. Otherwise, it isn't going to work.

Even for people that believe in waiting until marriage for sex, maybe they can AT LEAST talk about the subject with somebody they are getting serious with and see if the same things excite them. I mean, it's a little late on the wedding night to find out if she's going to let you take a dump on her chest and wash it off with your piss, isn't it?

Big Tasty said...

I agree with what both of you have to say. I think it is human nature to do whatever is pleasurable, when you are exposed to more things, you will try something new, and chances are you are going to like something you never thought you would. So it is definately more culturally acceptable to have an abnormal sex life.

I also believe you do have to find someone that is into the same things as you are is at least as open as you are and willing to try something different. The rest of your life is a long time to have someone you are not sexually compatible with.