Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pretty Sweet

I have always wanted to paint graffiti, too bad for me my brain doesnt work in this kind of creative capacity. The process to something of this scale is insane. One you have to think it up, that is one thing. Secondly you work backwards starting from base coats of color to final detail. Thirdly you have to wear a mask and be freestlying the whole time you are painting. Well the last part I made up, I just assumed that was part of the requirements. I found this at a super dope design firm called Brurlesque Design. BD is located in Minnesnota. So they get to work with some of my favorite indy rappers. Check out their site pretty cool shit.

Pose and Ewok x Ironlak x SuperVision. from Ironlak on Vimeo.

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