Thursday, February 5, 2009

Caption Contest #2

OK so last week we didnt get overwhelming support but I there were definately some comments that made me chuckle. Anyways, I know there are a bunch of people that read this blog that are too fucking cool to post a comment once in a while. You know who you are. Anyways for those that have been commenting frequently thank you, this blog has been much more fulfilling since people have been actually speaking up on it. So again I offer up a caption contest.

"Yeah! I just ate a dozen wings for each superbowl ring!"


Silverback said...
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Silverback said...

What has two thumbs and has gone down on Jabba the Hut...this girl!!!

Timmay said...

My friend Sarah is a HUGE Steelers fan.

Harps said...

The soon to be Mrs. Grunwald's bachelorette party

Big Tasty said...

Harper, nice work. I hope Gruny still reads this.

Anonymous said...

Sweet! The panoramic feature on my camera works great!

Anonymous said...

Reaction to the free Grand Slam at Denny's commercial.

C-Weed said...

Ten bucks I got a bigger dick than Gruney!

Anonymous said...

Is that a ring on her finger?

Big Tasty said...

"Had better, but certainly have done worse."

Anonymous said...

Big Jen Twofistburger

Big Tasty said...

Zirbs, you are the clubhouse favorite right now. brilliant!

Anonymous said...

No way C$'s thumbs are getting past this labia.

McGarnagle said...

Gruny, that was masterful.

Anonymous said...

"Harper you don't have to get me a job at Prairie Lanes, you had me with those deep fried fingers."