Thursday, February 12, 2009

Caption Contest #3

My vote for last weeks winner would have to go to TK or Zirbel. Thanks for the participation and I plan on keeping this going. I have a library full of fucked up pictures.

"And to think, I thought it would be impossible to meet a soulmate on"


Silverback said...

That's no gun in my undies!
Happy Valentines Day Baby!!!

Timmay said...

Message from e-bay seller in response to your question:

Sorry, dude, it's a package deal.

Anonymous said...

"hey everybody, it's Ted Nugent's brother Kenny Nugent!!"

Anonymous said...

When I herd Obama was gonna rayse them taxes on guns, an guuitars, and fuckin' futons, I was like - FUCK THAT!!!

Anonymous said...

Harper I told you that chick you banged on the ball returner was married and her psycho husband is gonna be looking for revenge.

McGarnagle said...

Sun Prairies Most Eligble Bachelor 2009.