Monday, February 23, 2009

I Completely Agree

I haven't posted anything political since President Obama got into the White House. But I love this video. I think much of America would agree. I don't know what to think of his 800 billion dollar stimulus plan. I do not see how I am going to be effected really. I guess all the money spent in repairing infrastructure could end up helping LCG in the long run, if the state can focus there spending on other places like it seems to be doing. However in Madison the state has been spending a lot on new projects for the last 10 years, I dont see it getting better than it has been. Otherwise I dont see much in terms of tax breaks. More or less breaks for people that are much more worse off than me. Still I dont really understand how this is going to fix the economy? It seems like administering a band-aid on an amputated limb. I worry that it will not create nearly enough jobs. Only a small percentage of the unemployed will be working on these shovel ready projects, and I agree that it may help short term, but it also seems like the Govt is robbing from Peter to pay Paul.

Personally I dont get the attitude that our govt needs to spend money to make money. I am not the brighest cat in the world but I dont see that ever working. Personally what I have done is limited my going out to one night a weekend, tried to make more meals and lunches instead of going out for them, and tried to watch the stock market for a bottom so I can try and get in while it is truly beaten up. I for one am making my mortage payment on time every month, and purchased a house within my means so I am not worried about getting over my head. Even with a baby looming I feel like I am a pretty good spot finacially. However I now know that I am not going to see any relief from my govt and it really doesnt suprise me. I still believe the best way to get out of a reccession is to allow Americans to have as much of there money as possible and cut spending, but what do I know. I know this blog has a lot of Barack support so I would love to get some takes on the stimulus package and video.


Big Tasty said...

My buddy Jon sent me this link. I think it helps explain the crises very well. I think it may have changed my stance regarding the video above as well a bit. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

I knew Obama was going to be bad, but not THIS bad. Every time he opens his mouth the market drops 100 points. Government is NOT the answer to our economic problems - it's the PROBLEM. You want to "stimulate" the ecomony - quit spending money in Washington and give it back to the people that earned it (the taxpaper!)!! Did you know that with the $1T Barry has spent on the stimulus package that they could have allowed everyone in the U.S. to not pay Federal taxes for the whole year? Take a look at your paycheck stub, then look at how much the Fed takes, and then ask yourself if you could use that money. Now THAT would stimulate the ecomomy...but guess what - Liberals in Washington think they know how to spend your money better than you do.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, that Anonymous post was from me....

Big Tasty said...


I agree to a point. It is pretty easy to say give the American people a tax break and let them spend there money in order to stimulate the economy. The big problem I have with that line of thinking is it will not create anymore jobs, and I think that is going be a bigger problem in the next year or so than it already is. Unemployment is skyrocketing, a million troops are set to come home and to do what? Where are these jobs going to come from.

The other problem I see with letting the American spend there hard earned money like you said, is they wont. During tough economic times Americans do not spend money. They do the opposite and try and save every dollar they can and that is one of the reasons I would be suprised if many of the oldest companies in the US survive this recession. The Fords and GMs of this country are practically giving there products away and I dont think that is going to save them. This is only going to further escalate the uemployment problems in this country.

I reccomend checking out the link above. I think that there needs to be some stimulus provided by govt and not just our govt. We keep hearing that the world is watching and waiting to see how we handle the economy. We keep hearing how the world economy pretty much mimics our domestic economy. Ask the EU whether or not they believe this to be true. In my opinion this is a world problem and is going to take a world wide stimulus package before we actually see some positive growth to this economy. I am not smart enough to figure out how that would work or really have any good ideas how that can be done, but I am sure it will be focus number one of our world leaders at the summit meetings.

I can see your line of thinking, and I cant argue the impact the stimulus package has had on wall street, but I dont think handing out cash is the best answer either. I think middle and upper america would love it, but it doesnt do much for the other 90% of Americans who dont have a pot to piss in or window to throw it out of.

Anonymous said...


I was not saying that the stimulus should have been to have Americans stop paying income tax...I was just illustrating how much they are spending on the package. That said, if the package was a “no pay” holiday on federal income tax I disagree that people wouldn’t spend the money. Sure, people (that are smart) would save some of it, but if you were given a 20-35% raise for the year I’d venture to guess you’d go out and buy some stuff – like TV’s, cars, home improvements, etc. – all things that create jobs. The $13 extra per week that you’ll be getting under the Obama plan isn’t going to do much, other than buy a pack of smokes and a latte at Starbucks for most people.

To spur growth in jobs, we need to reduce corporate taxes on businesses. Cut the rate in half, and I guarantee businesses would look to hire more people. But Obama is doing the opposite and will be raising income taxes on business and individuals! This is the LAST thing we should be doing in a recession. Liberals like to attack “big business” all of the time – but guess what, everyone can’t work for the federal government.

This country has got to stop spending! All around the world in the past we’ve tried the tax-and-spend, Big Government mentality (France, Germany, and others) and it has proven itself over and over to not work. It blows my mind that we’re trying to do the same thing over again here. Did you know that Obama’s budget more than doubles the national debt held by the public, adding more to the debt than all previous presidents -- from George Washington to George W. Bush – combined. Read that statement again, and then think about who’s going to have to pay that off. It’s going to be me, you, and worse – our kids and our kid’s kids.

The so-called stimulus plan is just a Trojan horse to fast-track the Liberal agenda and take more control away from the people. Things like nationalized healthcare, environmental “cap and trade” policies, amnesty for illegals, and thousands of earmark pork projects is what really makes up the package. Thinks about any trip to the local DMV to renew a license, etc., and then think about that type of service if you need to visit the doctor or get an operation. Scary!

On Ford and GM….the problem with Ford and GM is the UNIONS. Funny how Toyota and Honda consistently turned a profit year after year while GM and Ford kept paying guys $70/hr. to push a button on the factory floor -- even though they were only worth $40/hr. (which is what Toyota was paying). I also blame the executives of Ford and GM as they were stupid enough to concede to the UAW during negotiations. It’s a tough world out there – and if you don’t pack the gear to get things right you’ll go the way of the dodo bird.

I’m sick of the bailouts for carmakers, banks, delinquent home owners that bought a home they couldn’t afford, etc.!!! Who is going to bail out the U.S. taxpayer when it is all said and done???