Sunday, February 22, 2009

William Elliot Whitmore

So, this weekend was the big roadtrip to Iowa City. My buddy Trike insisted that I see a deep-blues musician by the name of William Elliot Whitmore play live in his home state of Iowa. We white-knuckled the drive down to IC in the snowstorm on Saturday afternoon, stayed at a really cool downtown hotel called Vetro and went out on the town. IC is a good place to hang out. There is a pedestrian mall downtown that is a couple of blocks long, with a lot of bars and restaurants, not unlike State Street in Madison. I had listened to some of Will's recordings before making the trip, just to get familiar, but I really wasn't prepared for what I saw. A sellout crowd at the Picador was expecting it, but I wasn't. I was really blown away by the raw talent and emotion of this down-to-earth farm boy. He even chatted it up with us a little before the show and let my buddy Trike get a picture with him. Trike bought a banjo a few months ago and started taking lessons. I'm pretty sure his love for WEW is the driving force there.

Here's a video of live performance that is pretty similar to what we saw, except the crowd was