Monday, February 9, 2009


I think I was in the same boat as everyone else when it comes to steroids in baseball, I was hoping it would just be done with. However in light of the biggest news of the day, Alex Rodriguez admitted using steroids for his three years in Texas. The best baseball players of our time all used roids, and baseball is dealt another black eye. With this latest news I think it is safe to say that this was a culture in baseball and that there was more than likely anywhere from 15 to 30% of players using performancing enhancing drugs. That is a pretty staggering amount, and it has caused an era in which you can longer believe anything you see. As far as I am concerned baseball should asterix the record books on any record that was broken in this era. I know that is unfair for the people not using but they should have spoke up. I am starting to think that MLB is to blame for what we have now. I think it is pretty evident they knew of mass steroid use and didnt know how to handle it so they tried to implement testing slowly so the big names didnt go down. Well they are starting to go down and to here baseball officials and GM's say they had no knowledge is ridiculous. At this point the only person you can trust on the matter is Jose Canseco becuase his book is starting to look completely true and everyone he linked has some evidence now pointing towards the use of steroids. As a huge fan of the game, I am at a loss of words. I think last year was probably the first year the game was completely clean and you could tell in a big way. HR totals way down, older players being forced out of the game, and younger players started to take over. I dont think we will ever see the day of a 35 year old second baseman belting 40 homers. Or somebody hitting 72 HR at the age of 34. I think I will always be a fan, but it is pretty depressing knowing that the last 10 years of baseball and maybe even longer was filled with players breaking the rules in order to get an advantage. I guess this could be compared to doping in the olympics or steroid use in other sports, but we have never seen it anywhere near this magnitude. I for one am embarrassed for the sport of baseball. This was once our national past time and now it compares more to WWF. Baseball needs to come clean, wipe the history books of any record that was broken in this era, and start distancing itself from this terrible ordeal.

1 comment:

Harps said...

yeah i agree, for me my love in sports falls with baseball, there is no better time for me then a trip to wrigley, or watching wgn for a game, and even attending miller park, i love baseball and everything about it. i to am hurt by this but i do not blame the players. I think it all falls with the high aboves, after the strike baseball had to do something and this is the route they took.
dont get me wrong i know its the players choice what to put in his body and what the outcome could be, but with no testing or real threat to steriods i feel they turned a blind eye and told the players to do what ever they could to get the fans back in the seats, and what fans want is "the long ball" and scoring, for me i would much rather see a great pitching match up between biz and cc but others dont agree, they are trained from football they want fast paced and runs.
I agree that there should be an astric by this era but i feel these players should be in the hall, bonds was a hall afamer before the roids and a-rod is the best player i have seen, so just make a side note that this is the steriods era but still look at these numbers.
i know im rambeling on, but to sum up, although i do not agree with there actions i also dont think they are 100% at fault and if congress or sports illustrated wants to get involved they need to do it fully and take down everyone if thats what people feel has to be done