Monday, January 26, 2009

Breaking News: I Am Going to Be a Father

So last Wednesday my girl friend and I found out she is pregnant. After deliberating we have decided to keep the baby and around August 24th of this year I will become a daddy...

Let me repeat that, in roughly seven months I will be the second person on this blog to have a child, and I have to say I cant wait. I truly feel blessed, and very excited to become a father. It has been a dream of mine, for as long as I can recall. Obviously that dream wasn't to happen so soon and there was a progression I had intended to follow, but we felt we could not pass up a dream just because it was not the ideal time for us. I just want to thank everyone that gave me support last week. Man it was an emotional time for Jenny and I, and I really needed some outside perspective on everything. Timmmay, sent me a great quote that I don't think I will ever forget. It is from a John Lennon song "Beautiful Boy", "life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans." It really is true, as much as you think you can plan the progression of your life, there are so many unexpected twists and turns, and if you are not ready to deal with what life throws at you then you may miss out on some of the truly special things that life has to offer. I know Jenny and I weren't expecting this but we are going to roll with it and be the best parents we can be.

It is just so crazy how my life went from pretty much worry free to extremely hectic in the matter of days. Last week I was deciding whether or not I was going to re-up my subscription to penthouse, this week we are picking out midwife groups to help deliver the baby. I guess you could say this will be quite a large change in my life. I however typically operate best in these situations and I cant wait for this challenge. Like I said before, becoming a father is a dream of mine, and I cannot wait to get started.


Timmay said...

Again, congratulations! How boring would life be without a few breathtaking surprises?

As you tell people the news, you'll hear a lot of comments like, "there goes all of your free time," or "no more uninterrupted sleep, uninterrupted meals, etc." All of those things are true, but only half of the truth. To be sure, you won't have much free time. On the flip side, you'll be taking care of and playing with your kid, wondering on what it was that you wasted all of your free time before.

Anonymous said...

Although the timely wasn't perfect....sometimes things like that happen for a reason. I wish you both the best of luck!

fridaynightfishfry said...

Congratulations!! Your kid will definately have a ton of love! Adam and I can try to babysit if you need it...but that might not be a good idea!

Harps said...

congrats kid, love to hear such great news, who gives a shit about timeing, it happened, i am so glad you are not doing anything stupid and keeping it, i truly hope that was the only option and nothing else was ever a thought. best of luck kid and im always here for you

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap! Wasn't expecting that on the blog today, that's for sure. Congrats! Considering the relationship you have with your parents/family, I think that you have a great foundation to build on and that you are going to do a great job as a parent.