Monday, January 5, 2009

Finally, The Holidays Are Over...

Well it is back to the day to day grind and to tell you the truth i am glad. As much as I like having a shit load of people at my house all the time, staying up to the we hours gaming, and drinking seeemingly every day, I am glad to have some normalcy back. We are starting a New Year at Lake City, and it good be a very fine year. Our sales are already looking very promising for the New Year, so I will be switching back into a Project Management role in effort to make this a great year, despite the lack of building do to the economy. In short, I am very opportunistic at the possibilities for LCG this year.

In a more personal note, my father and I have started making plans to re finish my basement. If you recall I was hit hard early in the summer with flooding and I basically had to demo my basement in the cleanup effort. It will be very nice to get that finished off and move back down there. The days of everyone at my place sharing the same rest room needs to be over. That toilet cant take much more punishment. Once I am finished the work on my place will nearly be finish. I still have a few cosmetic elemants to take care of in the spring like landscaping, but after nearly 2 years the work is wrapping up and I can figure out what my new project is going to be.

So that is a look ahead to 09 and I am excited. But the holidays were great, spending time with friends and family is my favorite thing to do I want to look back at some of the highlights of the last two weeks.

- "Fatty the Greek" The holidays started with me hitting like mad on any bet I made during the bowl season. This weekend cooled me off quite a bit, but it still looks like a very successful gambling season. I say it was a success because I was able to play the whole bowl season for free, and actually made a few hundred dollars, that can go towards new carpet in the basement.

- Damn I am spoiled. I must have been a good boy this year because I sure was spoiled. Gift highlights include a new watch (thanks babe I love it) a pizza oven, the ever needed cash, and tickets to seinfeld see below.

- What is the deal with... On friday my brother and I took our significant others to see Jerry Seinfeld perform at the overture. It was wonderful. Great comeback Jerry, Bee Movie blows and I havent seen it. My mom is the best gift giver in the world and again she did not dissappoint.

- Renter Appreciation Day! As I mentioned above I was doing well with my gambling this year and on Saturday we celebrated that. Me and my roomies celebrated at the B.A. on saturday the only way we know how. By running up a large tab, and throwing money away at stupid trivia games, and watching the Cardinals and Falcons go over pissing us all off. However it was a great day, and we all got bombed before dinner.

- Merry F'ing Christmas! I think I had a total of four christmas' this year and that is about all i could handle, but the food and company was great as usual. I usually am the biggest scrooge around the holidays but this year is different and the only reason i can attribute to that, is the fact that I had someone special to share everything with. I know what a fag.

- NYE in Milwaukee. What a great night, the place we went to was perfect. We celebrated with about 50 of our friends in a bar all to ourselves. Curt and Davey big props for putting it together. My only wish is that the stalls in the bathroom didnt go up to the ceiling.

I think that is about it for my highlights this holiday season. Hope it was good for you. I also plan on focusing more on the blog in 09 as I tailed off late in the year due to how busy I was around here. I know have a computer at home so I cant use that as an excuse any longer.

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