Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fisting is a mans game

I have a Buddy who likes to drink some cocktails and than tell every bartender male or female how bad he will fist them if he doesn't get another drink. Well now I can say I have a buddy and a president who will fist you if they don't get there way.
This chick has to of been dared to say that on national television. I mean fisting the first lady (as sweet as that sounds) doesn't fit into her description of how much they love each other. You know what they say, once you fist a black you'll never go barack. ZING POW BOOM BANG! I am available for weddings, birthdays, jew-mitzfahs. What ever name the date.


Timmay said...

The question remains, C..

Would ya?

It's funny that your pal threatens fisting to get what he wants. I used to know a guy that would always offer to finger someone's ass if they WOULD do what he wanted.

As in, "Hey, dude, can you give me a ride to work? Come on, dude, I'll finger your ass."

Anonymous said...

Would that "guy" you're talking about actually be named Matt Browne?

Big Tasty said...

I love all these anonymous muthafuckers taking shots. So I have plunged these digits deep into the unknown a few times. I sure as hell didnt offer it as a gift. In fact when these fingers go in you arent receiving you are taking. There is a big difference.