Thursday, January 29, 2009

These Kids Today...

I would have thought this was a lot cooler when I was 16. Yes, I am a grumpy old man, but shit like this makes me glad that we had a boy.

Watch the volume on this, for some reason it is screeching loud.


Big Tasty said...

Well these babes have to pay there way through college some how. Seriously though this is quite disturbing. It kind of reminds me when I heard our 12 year old cousin singing soulja boy. Its hard to fathom what children are exposed to these days, it makes that much more important to stay in tune to you childrens interests.

PS I would like to comment on how poor the dance team coach is. I mean everyone knows that you put your fatties on the end of the lines and your best girls in the middle to draw attention. Cmon that is first practice shit right there.

C-Weed said...

What I cant believe is that schools get all bent out of shape over showing some navel and or cleavage. But these whores are dropping it like its hot in front of their parents, friends,family,teachers fuck everyone that has eyes. And the faculty are running all over the court making sure some students arent blocking anyones view while Chester the Molester is in the nosebleed making his dick bleed. I don't get it. But your right if I was in high school I probably would of tried to get one of those fat chicks drunk after the game and run a train on her.