Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ummm, Yeah I Am Going to Need that Kidney Back

This story is too funny apparently this guy gave his wife one of his kidney and now she wants a divorce and well he wants his kidney back. I seriously doubt they will allow him to try and get his kidney back or ask for any money back for the kidney however this is hilarious. Well not really I guess if you consider she will die if she had to give up the kidney. I am going to side with homeboy on this one, you give your wife a kidney and that means she has to put up with your shit forever. I dont care if your sex life has gone stale, or just dont feel that spark anymore. If you are living only because this guy gave up a kidney for you, then you dont get to complain about a shitty marriage. Deal with it.



Timmay said...

I feel his pain, but legally, there's a reason they call it "giving" someone a kidney. It's a fucking gift, you don't get a take-back. It's illegal to sell a kidney, you can only give it away. So, legally, there is no argument whatsoever that it wasn't a pure gift.

His lawyer should be shot in the face for being such a scum-sucking cocksmoker as to steal money from this idiot pretending that this case has a snowball's chance in hell.

Sorry, Browne, but I just don't feel bad for the guy. He fucking married her, I didn't. He gave a kidney for her, I didn't. His mistake, his price to pay. As the title of your blog says, DWI, bitch.

Big Tasty said...

Well TK agree to disagree. Yeah he did agree to marry her, yeah he did agree to give her a kidney, but fuck. Save a bitches life and she still takes everything you are worth. I am just saying if I go that extra mile to save my wifes life, which after reading this I never fucking would, but if I did and she left me, she is going to need more than a good lawyer. She is going to need protection 24/7 cuz I will kill her.

Timmay said...

Well, sometimes you just have to kill a broad, but that isn't what this idiot is doing, is it? If he killed her, I could understand that.

By the way, this guy is obviously such a raging idiotic douchebag, he deserves whatever he gets. He gave her a kidney? He probably gave her herpes and a shitty couple of decades of life too.

Big Tasty said...

No you are right this is just a publicity stunt, he couldnt have possible thought he would get compensated for a kidney because if he did I would be selling mine tommorow. I cant argue with the fact that this guy is a fucking idiot, just watch that video and that is clear as day. Still something doesnt sit right with me when i see this woman walk out on the man that prolonged her life. I guess regret is the one word that somes it up. I just see stories like this and it makes me wonder why anyone would get married. Then I click over to your facebook page and see your wonderful wife and child, and it becomes clear again. Still even more incentive to make sure you got the right one.