Monday, January 12, 2009

Weekend Recap

Well this weekend had its shares of ups and downs. Friday night I was exhausted and didnt do a thing. I ended up watching a bunch of the Planet Earth series and going to bed by 12. Saturday I got up and visited my fellow blogger TK and his family. It was a really nice day spent watching the baby. Timmay, I think I could do that all day, what a great kid. I dont think he cried once all day. Just a big smile on his face. Cant wait to visit again. Saturday I met up with my college roommates for a night out in Pewaukee, and lets just say all hell broke out. We went to a bar called Boomers at about 1030 and basically took over the dance floor and baseement bar. Shots were flying, clothes were flying, basically it looked like we hadnt partied in years. The night was filled with laughs until we left. One of my good friends got picked up on the mile drive from the bar home and was given a DUI. A great night turned to a terrible one. It is crazy because I wouldnt have thought twice about driving that night considering that we could have walked had it not been 20 below. Just a shitty way to end the evening. Though I dont remember it because I went from happy drunk guy, to comatose in about 2 seconds. Mark has a great video of me passed out on the shitter that i may post later in the week. Apparently i went to take a dump and an hour later they came in and there I was passed out bear assed on the toilet. Thank god they woke me up because my dump turned into puking at least I think thats what was on my shirt when I awoke. Thats when I learned about the DUI. Wow I cannot party like I used to. However watching that video made everything worth it as we all shared a laugh. Sunday my buddy Rum came over and watched Pineapple Express. It had a lot of funny parts but like any Apatow film i have seen the laughs are good but the story is pretty awful. You can obvious tell that they basically name the actors and then right a handful of jokes without concentrating on developing a story. In any right it is a funny stoner movie if that is your thing, otherwise I doubt you will have much interest.


Timmay said...

Also, you left me a voicemail at about 9:30 on Saturday night saying you had a question for me. I assume your alcohol-induced-coma-on-the-shitter erased whatever that issue may have been.

Big Tasty said...


I called to ask you what that bar you took us to on the lake was called? We were going to check that out before boomers.

Timmay said...

That would be Curly's Waterfront.

McGarnagle said...

I am guessing TK already told his son about your vomiting on and all over the Family's jeep. Hence the neverending smile.

fridaynightfishfry said...

Oh man, there it is...the reality of the DUI solidified in blogspace for eternity. Thanks for mentioning that, but you forgot about the part (during your toilet pass out I presume) when this post eye surgery gal had to get up in a drug-induced haze to pick up the aforementioned offender. That was awesome.

Big Tasty said...


I didnt know you were a reader but glad to have you. I was curious who went to pick him up because I thought you were on the DL. I pictured him in a drunk tank coughing up what ever the hell he coughs up all morning until some fed up police man took him home. You are definately a keeper!

fridaynightfishfry said...

Yeah well, I had to take a cab to get him, sign a piece of paper, and then we had to wait for a cab to take us back home.

Yes, I am a keeper...if anything feel dealing the myterious coughing every morning. It scares the animals.