Thursday, April 9, 2009

Caption Contest

Try something a little different this week. Lets see what type of comments this garners...

"Mark, why do you have that crazy look in your eye!?"


BeArCaT said...

What?!? You've never seen a small dick?!?

Gruny said...

"Yeah, I have not been able to see my cock when I look down as I am taking a leak since 5th grade. Deal with it."

C-Weed said...

"Yeah these are mine, how else do you dry out anal that weird" **frowny face, twists nipple ring**

Anonymous said...

"If you think the banana cock tattoo is bad, you should see what I found on tattooed on my ass"

Timmay said...

Have a couple more shots and then look at me again. Are we there yet?

Silverback said...

Mardi Gras Beads, check!
Nipple Ring, check!
Stretch Marks, check!
Rupple Rash...what the fuck, no rash?
Better get a Banana Cock Tattoo..Checkmate

Unknown said...

20 years in the future:

"Mom, how did you ever let that bloated tiger training dummy near your cooter?"

Anonymous said...

"Yeah, Noel and I had a wild night and I have the stamp from his dick on my stomach to prove it. Good times!"