Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Health Reform Takes a Hit

As many of you probably already know the President's new Health Care Initiative, took a pretty big hit, when GOPer Scott Brown took critical Senate seat in Massachusets, earlier this week. I don't really have a strong opinion either way on the health care reform bill. I am curious as to what anyone that may read this believes. I dont really have a forum to talk politics so I do it here, even though many of the readers of this blog could care less.

My thoughts are this country needs some sort of health care reform. Go get a quote from any insurance company and you will quickly learn they have taken advantage of our current system. At the very least, there needs to be a way in which everyone can afford some type of health coverage, I truly believe the Govt has a huge role in not only protecting our personal freedoms, and or liberty, but also protecting us from being fucked over by big business that capitalism has created. More importantly I believe everyone has a basic right for some sort of health coverage, even if that is on a lower scale for people that cannot afford a premium coverage or does not have a job that covers insurance costs.

With that being said, I truly don't have a good grasp of how many people in this country are without some sort of health care. It is my understanding that most public hospitals have to treat patients weather they have insurance or not. It may not be the best treatment, but if you get shot in a inner city without any insurance, chances are you are going to go to a hospital, you will live, and you will be released. Now that doesnt do anything for you if those injuries keep you from ever working again, or help you pay for your hospital bills, but the govt already has programs for a lot of those situations. I guess what I am saying is how much reform do we really need? Is it possible to modify our current system, instead of a complete overhaul? I really have no answers to this question, but I plan on getting an better understanding of our current health care system and what is not working.

What is known is the people of Massachusets have spoken, and what they said is the democrats health care plan is not what the people are looking for. If a Democrat can win a Senate race in Massachusets, I am unsure this bill will ever pass. Maybe that is a good thing and maybe that is a bad thing. This bill still could go through if the democrats can gain enough support in the House and send this bill to the President, however I dont see any evidence that can happen. What it should do is force the democrats to change the bill a bit to get more Republicans on board. I was unclear as to whether the Republicans were just using stall tactics because they didnt want Obama to quickly push a bill like this through, spending more money, when the nation faces its biggest deficits ever. Or if they simple didnt believe the bill was going to be effective. What I am pretty sure of, is a majority of people in this country believe that our current health care system is flawed, and some sort of change needs to take place.

I am also curious as to what this election means to the next year of President Obama's term. He took a hit this week. The GOP picked up some very strong veto power against the Democratic Agenda. I honestly thought that when Obama was elected the Nation was ready for a massive overhaul, and that is what he has tried to deliver, and I dont think there is any doubting that. What I didnt see happening was his approval ratings plummeting and him losing a lot of support to make these changes that just a year and half ago people were begging for. I guess in the big scheme of things money talks, and people want everything, while not wanting to pay for it. They want a health care program run by the government but dont want to pay for it. Obviously the plans of President Obama were going to be expensive. New ways of raising revenues were going to have to be made. It seems to me the people wanted a change of leadership, but more or less were happy with the things were going as long as they were lead out of a recession and they didnt have to pay more in tax. I am curious as to why people believe Govt can be run both ways? In the simplest of terms, if you want the govt to provide you a service, you are going to have to pay for it, in most cases a lot for it. Your kids are going to have to pay for it.

Like I said before, I am in the middle when it comes to health care reform, I can see benefits on both sides. I am against government spending, but I am not nieve to think there arent a lot of ways for this govt to raise money, so the cost cannot be the only thing you look at. Does it provide something that all Americans can use and most often need? If so I believe the Senate would be making a big mistake if they let this bill die, because it probably will never gain this much steam again. I am pretty coservative in my ideology as I am sure many of you know, but it frustrates me to know end when the Govt is gridlocked. I was a big part of this nation that supported President Obama and I thought he was the type of leader that could make changes in this country. I stil believe he can, but I am starting to have some doubts. I believe the President needs to figure out a way to bring both sides closer together, or we will never see any real change. The dichotomy of people in this country seems to be growing larger and larger which is making it nearly impossible for the government to get anything done.


Timmay said...

When a Republican wins the Mass. seat of Ted Kennedy, a champion of health care reform for 30 years, it is a statement. When a new party takes the White House back, they almost always lose ground in the Capitol, but this is bigger than that, IMO. Obama's agenda is too extreme and too aggressive for moderates. I think Obamacare and major labor law reforms are left all but dead by this stroke. The peeps have spoken. Loudly.

Big Tasty said...

Well I saw some pretty staggering numbers from the election earlier this week. I think like 68% of indpendents voted for Green. That is fucking absurd. Republicans didnt win this race, the Democrats lost it. More importanly Reid, Pelosi, and Obama lost it. It is too early to say that Obama agenda is going to be shot to shit, but he really needs to rally the troups here. The worse thing for Dems is if Obama goes and campaingns for many of these Dems next year, they will most likely loose ground in the race. I cannot wait to see the State of the Union, and I have never said that in my life. I think you will see Barack move back to the middle on a lot of his policy ideas.

I think we are seeing some pretty poor leadership from the Dems. Not just the President, as he is trying to do exactly what he said he was going to do. I do not think he is to blame for any of this, except maybe for the timing of introducing one of the most expensive bills in US History. It will be interesting to see on how this plays out, but the Republicans have all the momentum in the world right now.

Jumping off topic. I saw a poll that said some 58% of Americans want to see Gitmo left opened after the Delta attack last month. That is mind boggling to me. I guess Terrorism and the Economy are still the most pressing issues to the people of the US.

Timmay said...

Nothing influences action like fear. Be scared of terror, Obama won't protect you. Be scared of healthcare reform, there will be "death committees" that won't let doctors save your life. That shit works, and it will always work.