Thursday, March 18, 2010

Get castrated for March Madness...

You gotta love the ingeniuity of the American entrepreneur at work. Apparently, clinics around the country that provide the unpleasant service of vascectomy have found success marketing that surgery as part of March Madness.

Personally, I don't like the idea of mixing that kind of pain with something I enjoy, but you have to hand it to them. The concept is relatively simple: When you have a vascectomy, it is generally recommended that you refrain from working for a couple of days, and pretty much sit around with ice on your ballsack. The American worker - read sucker - has been convinced for some time that the standard is to have this procedure done on a Friday morning, then you suffer through the weekend and drag your sorry ass back to work on Monday - minimal disruption to your employer.

Well, a group of genius surgeons shared at a conference that they had great success with the sales pitch: Get snipped at 8 a.m. on the opening round of the NCAA tournament, get 2 days off work and sit on the couch with your nuts in a sling and watch every single game! I guess it beats a ruined weekend. Now, it's catching on all over.

Here's an article about a Chicago clinic that is marketing this medical "strategy," and even combined it with a local pizza place - get snipped, watch the games, and get a free pizza delivered to your door. They even throw in a free bag of frozen peas to cradle your swollen, throbbing gonads.

Line up, you soon-to-be-neutered bastards.

1 comment:

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