Tuesday, March 30, 2010

LMF - The Builders and the Butchers

Yeah, I know, it ain't Friday. As the man says, "Deal with it." So, my pal Trike sent me a link to these guys and I find them very interesting. They will be performing in Milwaukee on Monday night at Turner Hall. Five dudes from Alaska who relocated to Portland, OR, to try to make a go of it as a band. Their music is an interesting adaptation of pre-War American roots music, playing traditional instruments with fairly traditional song structures and rather dark themes. It is an amplified acoustic sound - Americana-style music performed in a way that it was performed 60 years ago or more, yet it has a current feel to it - maybe because it is so old that it is new again for young punks.

"Short Way Home" is kind of a cool song, and the sound is rounded out with a melodica (that weird little blow-powered keyboard) and the fat guy is cranking on the banjo like it is Slash's Les Paul. (If you like this tune, also look up "Bottom of the Lake" to see the fat guy crank on a tiny mandolin like it is... well, Slash's Les Paul.) Wouldn't you know it, as soon as I find a cool Portland band (where I've been visiting on business regularly) those bastards go out on tour. I'd have a better chance of sneaking out to see them there than I do here at home on a Monday night with family stuff going on - not to mention the old NCAA championship game.

Anyway, enjoy.

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