Tuesday, March 6, 2007

DVD Rental Day: Date Movies

OK I am far from the expert at the dating scene but I do know some good movies that you can watch while you are with the girl that will appeal to not only her, which is the point, but you guys out there also. As most of you know I cannot stand romantic comedies and I hate seeing them so here are some alternatives to that new Hugh Grant/J-Lo movie that I am sure is hitting the movie store this week.

Garden State: Written and directed by Zach Braff, the star of the citcom scrubs. If you are not familiar with him he has a dark look on comedy and relationships that is quite refreshing from most garbage that is out there now. Plus guys Natalie Portman is very nice.

A River Runs Through It: Brad Pitt is one guy that both men and women can watch and say I want to be him or girls can say I want to be with him. Well I think this is his best role to date and yes I have seen Seven and Babel. Robert Redford is an underrated director and this is not really a love story there are some definant love aspects to it.

9 1/2 Weeks: For any of you over thirty that read this you dont need to know about this movie because you have probably seen it, but if you are a guy that would like your date to end well i suggest renting this movie. Starring then hearthrob Mickey Rourke and the ever sexy Kim Bassinger this is one of the sexiest movies I have ever seen.

Closer: Okay I this movie and the next movie can be hard for a couple to watch but if you are new on the dating seen I reccommend them both. Since they both deal with affairs they can be uncomfortable, but this is a really good movie starring Clive Owen, Natalie Portman, Jude Law, and Julia Roberts, its smart its sexy and overall I think guys and girls will enjoy this movie.

Unfaithful: See above for a reason you may not want to see this movie, but if you can stomach Richard Gere for an hour and half, I know that is hard, rent this movie. Diane Lane is one of the sexiest people over the age of forty on the planet and up and coming actor Olivier Martinez, will give the girls something to dream about. This is not a great movie by any means but it will put you in the mood and is pretty entertaining.

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