Monday, June 4, 2007

Soprano and Entourage *Spoiler*

It is hard to believe that there is only one episode left to Sopranos and I have to say I still have no idea of what is going to happen. In a sad episode last night Bobby B ended up getting shot up in the train store and killed and Silvio was also gunned down and appears he is going to be a vegetable. A sad end to two great characters on the show. I dont see any way this show can now have a happy ending, I think Tony is going to die. I am not sure who and I think it could be anybody from AJ, to Carm, to Phil, I just dont think he is going to make it. An attempt on Phils life came up empty, and Paulie has some redeaming to do. Dont be suprised if Paulie kills Phill in the last episode. Dr. Melphie will no longer see Tony anymore because she fears the therapy is actually helping Tony become a better criminal, hard to argue with that, Tony is the same ruthless man he was in the beginning of the show. Tony has seemed to lose all patience with AJ and I think he will have a big role in the last episode. Like it or not the creator of the show made AJ a center piece to the last season and I really dont see how that character has had anything resolved. I am really have no ideas what is going to happen next week, but I am guessing a lot of whacks, and the end to one of the best characters in all of television Big T.

Entourage was decent, the boys got the money they needed to make Medellian and it does appear the four of them will be split up at least some over the last part of the season. Turtle will probably move into Drama's new pad while E and Vince go to Columbia to shoot the film. The boys got Walsh to direct the movie and he is already clashing with Vince and Eric. I think this movie will end up being a success like everything else in this show, but it seems as if they are going to have a very difficult time making this movie. I still enjoy this show, but it has lost a lot of luster with me. I kind of wish the show would shift to follow Drama's career as the scene with Drama at Brett Ratners pad was great. Also there hasnt been nearly enough of Ari so far this season and it sucks. It will be interesting to see if Ari goes to Columbia and what role he will play in getting this movie made. It was a decent episode, but nothing is really getting me excited in this season.


Anonymous said...

I will be very surprised if Paulie kills Phil. In my opinion, Paulie is the traitor.

Who was in charge of the hit on Phil? Paulie.

Why did Phil go underground before the hit attempt and not make his regular date with the gumah? I think he was tipped off.

Who did Phil NOT order whacked in the Soprano family? Paulie. Even Phil's own crew assumed Paulie would get whacked and questioned Phil on why to go after Bobby instead, he was just Junior's old driver.

You heard Phil talk about surviving the family infights in the 80's. Why did he survive? Maybe the same reason he survives this one, playing both sides.

Finally, who in the crew is more pissed at everyone than Paulie? Guys didn't come to his mother's funeral. Guys got no respect. He feared Tony was going to whack him on the fishing trip.

Paulie has always been a weasel. It will continue.

I say don't be surprised if Paulie kills Tony to become the leader of the Soprano crew under NY's management.

Big Tasty said...

Very interesting. It makes perfect sense Paulie blew the hit on purpose and he is going to take the scraps of whatever is left of the NY-NJ relationship after the dust clears. The pieces do all add up for that to happen. I would be pissed if Phil won. I guess another reason Phil could like a guy like Paulie is the both did time. Phil has made that a big point a couple of different times. The only thing that doesnt really jive with that is Phil brother was murdered by Paulie wasnt he? I thought at one time Phil wanted to put the hit out on Paulie. Dont know but cant wait to find out.