Friday, February 1, 2008

Finally Superbowl Coverage I can Relate To

I like most cannot stand the two week break in between the Conference Championships and the Superbowl. All of this talk about Brady's foot, Plaxico's mouth, Eli's pin head is making me sick. Well until I heard this tasty nugget. There is a rumor going around the internet, yes most of these are false but this is too funny, in which the Giants Defensive End Osi Umenyiora is into taking dumps on prosty's and rightfully so. These are the types of stories I enjoy hearing about. Anyway here is the link to some prosty who is so grossed out by this she only let him do it like ten times. Oh yeah and some guy made this hilarious etha sketch detailing Osi and the Cleveland Steamer!

Usi Poops on Babes


Anonymous said...

That's appalling. That really disturbs me. I can't believe nobody's ever taken a dump on your chest.

McGarnagle said...

I really do hope this is true, I mean how awesome would it be if it came out as being true. It might be the first step into making "scatting" passe. Who isn't up for a little poop playtime?

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact that C-Weed is into Chinese shit porns. He always says, "Two scoops of poop, please," when he orders Kung Pao from Happy Wok.

Big Tasty said...

Well I would love for C$$$ himself to chime in on this but I actually believe he hates chinese scat porn and that it has actually inspired one of his greatest singles of all time. Sweet and Sour Chicken the shit, I hate Chinese a lot a bit.

Anonymous said...

"And i squat on the chinesea, and poop it in da mouth, and eat it up to the north and the south now!" -c$