Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love Week Continues: Top 10 Movie Sex Scenes

Have you ever noticed the only time I talk about sex on here is when I am not getting any. Which is pretty much all the time. Anyways, I plan on renting a couple of these movies later tonight, if any of my lady readers are interested in joing me...46 Tower Dr Sun Prairie WI

#10 Unfaithful- This movie was actually difficult for me to watch. A lot of sexual tension and cheating. It didnt help that my mother took me see this film lol. Anyways I have since purchased this movie and all I can say is how is Diane Lane again? I bet you will not believe she is 43. Plus how hot is some French playboy whom owns his own bookstore. This guy is who I want to be, just mowing down married guys lawns. I think cunnilingus is a french term.

#9 Mulholland Dr.- When doing a list of top sex movie sex scenes i probably could have just listed all of David Lynch's movies in order. Not many people can film a sex scene like he can. I gurantee you it will be one of the most real you have ever scene. This particular scene involves the sexy Naomi Watts in a lesbian scene with a gorgeous brunette. One of the reasons this movie is so difficult for me to follow is I always lose concentration after this scene.

#8 Basic Instinct- If you are into girl on top which I am very much am, then this is the scene for you. Sharon Stone has a wonderful bod, hot enough for me to be able to stand an entire Micheal Douglass movie. Wait he was bad ass in Black Rain. This one starts and ends with a stabbing. Wow that was lame.

#7 Shoot Em Up- I have actually posted this scene on my blog. In the years most over the top action movie we have the most over the top love scene. I complete sex scene while in a gun fight. Yeah try that sometime. Throw in Monica Bellaluchi and Clive Owen and you have cinema gold. After Clive kills all the bad guys he utters to his lactating hooker babe, "talk about shooting your load". Whomever wrote this script is a cod damn genious.

#6 Showgirls- OK every single man my age has seen this movie, and I think we will all agree it is horrible. However it is the reason I want to move to Vegas and start pimpin on show girls. I will walk you through this, Jessie Spano leads guy into the pool. She holds sees how long she can hold her breath with a nice underwater fellate scene, and then she proceeds to ride him like a damn jockey under some waterfall. Guys it doesnt get much better than that with out showing cock or butt hole.

#5 Secretary- This is a very strange movie. However it is one of the better overall movie on this list. James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal have one crazy sexy relationship. One based on power, submissiveness, im not even sure that is a word. Still there is a spanking scene that is as hot as any scene I have ever scene to only get an "R" rating. I dont know why I think Maggie Gyllenhaal is hot but she just does it for me. Check this movie out.

#4 9 1/2 Weeks- Guys this is a good DVD to keep around the house. Nothing says I want to bang like popping this movie in. Not that your raging clue wouldnt be enough of a hint, but this may help get her into the mood. There are a lot of erotic sex scenes in this film, but the one in the kitchen is amazing. Take the two things I like most (food and sex) and throw them together and well you can see why it is so high on my list.

#3 Boogie Nights
- This definately is the best overall movie on the list. Truly a classic. The best sex scene from it is when we get to see Dirk in action for the first time. He hits it so hard and so long that the camera runs out of film. The scene is topped off with a line I can only dream of hearing in bed, “I want you to come in me. It’s OK, I’m fixed.” Wow!

#2 Team America World Police- Much like Shootem Up this gets in here because of its outstanding comedic value. Definately the most graphic sex scene in hollywood history as two puppets get down in about 25 different positions before they were finished. Shit, all he had to do was promise to never die, if it was that easy i wouldnt be making this list. Hell I wouldnt even have this blog.

#1 Monsters Ball- I dont know why this is my all-time favorite sex scene. I like Halle Berry, but in this movie she doesnt look her best. Plus it has Billy Bob Thornton in it and I really do not like him at all. I think it is because I am pretty sure he is actually hittin it from behind. It is so fucking real. His 2 minute effort is so reminiscent of what I would be doing if Halle let me hit it. Actually I doubt I would last that long.

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