Friday, May 30, 2008

Boooo Ya

So tommorow will be my first Brewer tailgate of the year (Technically second, but the first one wasnt of the all day variety) and i guess you could say I am getting a little excited for it. Yeah the Brewers have been dissapointing so far this year, they are still the one home pro team that I root for consistently and getting to the Miller Park lot at least 10 times a year is a must for me. I am so excited I actually plan on just staying in tonight and not letting myself be hung over, for what I plan on being the craziest day I have had in a while. I still havent decided if I am going to stay in Milwaukee and venture down to River Splash, or if I just will hitch a ride home with the Marshall tailgaters. Either way we are leaving at 10 am for a 6 pm game which should tell you everything you need to know. I was thinking about bringing something crazy to grill up, but I think I have settled on bread, butter, a frying pan, and cheese slices. I think a grilled cheese sandwich is going to go wonderfully with beer/whiskey/wine/jungle juice that I am sure i will be drinking all day long. Anyway I am also bringing a plastic bag to puke in if it comes to that later in the day. I dont have tickets to the game, so anyone out there that wants to come party, I think it is like $8 to get into the lot. I will be there until they kick me out. Does anyone even know who the Brewers are playing tommorow?

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