I don't know if anyone is watching the brewer game tonight, if your not than either you are old and lame as hell or your lame as hell and gay. Either way get with the program. As CC caught the third out with bases loaded on a broken bat dribble to Counsel (by the way, was "Sexy Eyes At Bat Hall" and "Branyon the Canyon" caught giving atomic wedgies to C-Weed Counsel. Because I cant for the life of me figure out why in the hell C-Weed Counsel has the last 4 starts. And yes I heard "The Canyon" pulled his riblets lifting Counsel out of his jock strap, I just dont believe it. And yes C-Weed is making a name for ourselves, I get it, I just don't get it) for the third out. Did anyone see CC say "punk as bitch" as he was walking to the dugout. God I hope by the grace of god the brewers sign CC to a lifetime deal because that is the type of intensity that I love to see!
PS, pretty exited about Yovani Gallardo in a Uni last night. Call me queer but I think he might have a chance to help us out in Sept. Man that would be bonertastic.
PSS After this whole Yost "playing the hot hand" thing-a-ma-bobber. He started C-Weed Counsel when Counsel had nothing but a numb hand from sitting on it on the bench. So I don't really get it, but hey Counsel, like Rivera is taking the opportunity and raping it like he should. But "Sexy Eyes Hall" and "The Canyon" seem to be better options. But what the fuck do I know, the only thing I do know is that when I question things with the brewers I yost up on the bat and hope for the best.
You may have seen her already, but here is reason #999 to watch the Olympics. Good God is she hawt.
Pics here: http://images.google.com/images?q=Leryn%20Franco%2C&rls=com.microsoft:en-us:IE-SearchBox&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&sourceid=ie7&rlz=1I7GGLR&um=1&sa=N&tab=wi
CC You are a fucking stud. Love that picture by the way. Dont know why Ned keeps going with Counsell. Branyon got sent down I believe though for Lance Nix. Not 100% on that. Still Hall should be getting the every day ABs. I playoff team should not be starting limp dick counsell at third base. Still with CC on the mound does it even matter. Unless the Brewers pony up 6 years 135 MM I dont think he will be staying. Although a bronze statue of he and Prince back2back wouldnt hurt the cause.
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