Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pub Crawl Golf Outing

Well I wish I could say that are little pub crawl was a success, because I had a shit load of fun, but it was anything but. We had to quit after 6 holes because we weren't being served anymore, and some were getting way too drunk to continue. I was at -6 after 6 and was still somewhat of the voice of reason. Let me give you the details and how I plan on making the next one better.

-If you are going to do a pub crawl get a bus! We found drivers no problem and I thank them for doing it, however when a bunch of really drunk guys enter a bar, and ask for 3 drinks a piece, I think they would feel better about everyone piling into or out of a bus.

-Make one beer par. We played where to get a par you needed to drink a beer and a mixer or a shot. For anything lower you needed to drink one more shot or mix drink. Nobody had a problem shooting pars, the problem was everyone thought they needed to shoot -10. We had one competitor shoot -12 under after 5 holes. Let me break that down for you he had five beers and 17 mixers or shots in two and a half hour. If we would have went the distance he would have been dead.

-Pick teams and get everyone there on time. We were way behind schedule, we were at the 6th hole at the time we were supposed to be at the 8th.

-Have some people come along that are not competing to act as the voice of reason. It is really hard for a drunk person to explain to a bartender that they should continue to serve your even drunker friend.

-Make golf attire neccassary. I wish I had pictures because some of the outfits for the outing were money!

-Allow people to drink more than one beer. I cannot speak for everyone but I think it would have been less blackout drunk if you could drink beers for your par and birdie, and switch to mixers and shots for eagle and double eagle. I had this routine down pat. Order one beer and two shots, drink them all within the first ten minutes and then drink water. This was working well, but the shots snuck up on everyone.

All in all it was a fun ass time, I just didnt think it through very well. Giving up after the 6th hole was my best decision of the day because we all got home safe, and we only had a couple of pukers. I am definately planning on doing it again, with more people a bus, and bars that expect binge drinking on a saturday afternoon. Two bars we went to, we were the only people there, and they didnt want to be responsible for the debauchery. I also plan on calling the bars ahead to let them know whats up. This was the practice tourney for an epic pub crawl that will be detailed here at a later date.

1 comment:

McGarnagle said...

Browne, when explaining why someone appears to be overly drunk. Do what I did at Dues's Bachelor Challenge for a heavily drunk Lauer:
Explain to the bartender how he was the victim of a stroke 9 months prior and that his equilbrium gets thrown off with just a couple drinks. I deadpanned it and the bartender actually believed me.