Monday, December 28, 2009

Holiday Hangover

So for the past five days I have been jumping from family to family eatin and drinking as much possible. Today I have what simply feels like a food induced hangover. I didnt drink at all yesterday, but my stomach is in a knot, I cannot focus, my head is pounding, and I have spent as much time on the toilet as I have actually getting any work done.

It was a great few days off. Really nice visiting with family, and I got some great gifts. However I am damn glad all of this eating and drinking is done with for a few days. I just feel myself digging an early grave.

Did anyone get any special xmas gifts? Eat anything amazing they would share? Do anything stupid at xmas?

I have one story to share. My father in law is basically retired, he works for himself so he can go back to work whenever, but he is not working now. Anyways he had some xmas greenery for us to endulge in and it made our xmas gift exchange and party truly a great time. After spending seemingly all day downstairs having fun with the greenery and Jameson it was time for this stupid gift exchange in which you can pick, trade, steal. I picked like 8th or something and stole these lotto tickets from one of Jenny's cousins. He is about 23 and he bought the lotto tickets. He ended up having to pick again, and this time he grabbed a bird feeder. Lucky him. Anyways I had a lot of fun the rest of the gift opening laughing at the fact he got to spend his xmas hanging up a ridiculous bird feeder. I heard at least 5 people say oh that is a really nice gift, yet nobody would steal it from him. I ended up having my lotto tickets stolen as well and ended up with the Public Enemies DVD, which was just alright, but at least I didnt end up with that fucking bird feeder.

In much more serious news, I finally finished basement over the weekend. Well as far as I am going to before my NYE party. So there is still no carpet, but it is cleaned, painted, and decorated. What a long and shitty process it has been. It has seemingly been years since I have last had that space, but I am sure glad it is done. Finishing the basement and the holidays have pretty much bankrupted me, but it is all done and I got some money for the holidays that should help me pay for carpet.

As I mentioned briefly above, I will be having a NYE party at my place. I dont know how many people to expect, but I would say it could be anywhere from 15-25 people. If you read this you are more than welcome to stop in. I am supplying the beer, and mixers, I am asking people to bring a bottle to pass. I will also most likely have some appetizers. The plan is to party hard and either go to the bars, or just blow the roof off of my place. Either way it should be a good time.

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