Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Set Your DVR

Tommorow night is the debut of the new show, Steven Seagal Lawman, on A&E. Apparently Seagal has been a volunteer police officer for the past 20 years, and they decided to give him a show. Below is a little preview, and I have to say I will be checking in. Seagal is a legend to me, he has broken more bones than skateboards, and you get him in front of a camera and you have pure comedic gold. What is really sad is this guys complex disorder in which he actually believes he is a true badass that can fight, sing, act, police, and help you with your spirituality, when in reality he is no more than chubby, Jean Claude Van Damme. That probably is the nicest thing anyone has ever said to Steven. Anyways I think this show is going to be amazing.


Timmay said...




I cannot wait for this to start. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. It's so much funnier when he's serious about it.

BeArCaT said...

Already done, sir...

BeArCaT said...

Furthermore, Im guessing about half the police force will be killed on the job trying to execute these moves.. thanks Steven