Monday, December 7, 2009

Jersey Shore

I meant to post about how awesome Steven Seagal's new show, Lawman, is on Friday. It was everything I expected. Seagal's mastery of martial arts and weapon training has made him the worlds most dangerous cop, and I cannot wait for him to disarm a perp, and break a few bones in his face.

In a suprise I was able to catch some of the premier of MTV's new show Jersey Shore, and I have to admit it is better than Lawman. It is quite possible a collection of the worst human beings on the planet. What really suprised me is the Guidettes? Who are probably twice as superficial as the guido's, and that is saying something. Watching this show is kind of like watching someone scratch there fingers across a chalk board, it can be extremely difficult at times, but like an episode of Jerry Springer, I just kept on turning back. If you thought Sopranos gave Italian Americans a bad name, than you probably wont want to see this, but if you love watching douche bags glorified on National TV like I do, than you wont want to miss this show. Here is a link to 8 clips from the season premier.


Anonymous said...

I couldn't stop laughing...great douche TV

Timmay said...

I caught about the last 10 minutes of it. Unbelievable. Truly speechless. It is a trainwreck. Even though I was pissed off the entire time it was on, I didn't change the channel.

"The Situation" can suck my genital situation.

Big Tasty said...

I agree, it is so terrible it is hard not to keep watching. At first I thought the guys were joking about there tans and there new hair cuts, but these guys are something else. The self given nicknames are hilarious. "the situation" is going to be famous after this experience but for all the wrong reasons. I can see why there are a lot of people in Jersey that wish this show would have never hit the air.