Thursday, May 31, 2007

Movie Day: Tear Jerkers

Ok I know I am going to catch some serious hell for this, but if a movie can move you to tears than it has to be good right? Well I am going to be the first to admit that all of these movies made me cry and you know what I am cool with it. Look at my picture even the coolest of men cry. I dont want to see any JJ Redick is a pussy replies either. Ok onto the list.

#10 Pay it Forward: This by no means is a great movie Helen Hunt, Kevin Spacey, and Haley Osmont have all been in better films. However this film does have a good inspirational message, that one person can make a difference in the world. The scene where all the people that were effected by pay it forward, show up to pay there respects will bring tears to my eyes any day.

#9 My Girl: Something about kids in a movie that gets my emotions going. Again not a great movie but when McCauley gets stung by the bees and later when his little girlfriend goes and sees him at the funeral home and realizes he is really dead it is really hard to hold back.

#8 Big Fish: This is a truly underrated story about a relationship a grown man has had with his father. I think it could be how close I am with my father why this movie touched me so much. I dont want to give up too much away but there is a great scene where they come to peace at the end and it is quite sad.

#7 Dead Poets Society: O' Captain, My Captain is a line you will always remember from this really good Robin Williams movie. When the teacher gets fired and the boys stand up for him it will literally move you to tears.

#6 Whats Eating Gilbert Grape: If a kid will get me emotionally attached to a movie just think how I get when i see a mentally challenged boy learn his mother is dead. A great performance by Leo and Johnny Deppe make this a great movie and the scene where Leo finds his mother "sleeping" but cant wake her up is very very sad.

#5 Braveheart: Another really good film that is also very inspirational. I have found I am more moved to tears watching someone suceed than I am when i see someone fail or die. The end scende where Wallace is being torchered yet refuses to let go of his ideals is great and very moving.

#4 JerrY Magguire: Again it is the inspirational part of this story that brings me to tears. Right after Jerry's lone star, has his big coming out party, and Jerry is at piece he goes after the women of his dreams. I know very sappy and the whole "You had me at hello" is very lame but watch this movie again and see if you dont tear up during that scene.

#3 Rudy: Ok you get the theme here I am moved by success stories, well more so when I was younger. Well this 5' nothin 100 and nothin star football player had me crying my eyes out. I love the scene where the players all give there jerseys up if so Rudy can suit up and how can you not love the slow clap "Rudy" chant at the end.

#2 Schindlers List: This is one of the saddest films ever made. I guess how could you do a film about that holocaust without it being very sad. Well the part where Schindler is going on about how he could have saved one more is heartbreaking, he did so much, yet there were so many he couldnt save.

#1 Forest Gump: It has been well documented how I cannot watch this movie alone with about crying like a little girl who has just stubbed her toe. Well this is a very sad yet very inspirational story that I could watch a million times. The scene when Forest asks Jenny if young Forest is smart or slow like him makes me weep and honestly I dont give a fuck if anyone thinks that is lame. Deal with it!!!

Lets hear some of the movies that make you cry if you have the balls.

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