Thursday, January 31, 2008

Where Did He Come From: A Political Rant

I told everyone that I would not be very serious on this blog because I got some backlash on some of the gay posts I have done in the past. I do however want to chime in on some of the everyday happenings in the race for the presidency, one in which I admit I havent been following too closely.

Recently I noticed John McCain has basically taken the Republican nomination and all I can say is wow didnt see that coming. First of all McCain isnt even seen as a conservative by most people. As a Senator he has been on each side of the liberal conservative debate, and the Republicans must feel that a moderate is there best chance at victory. I have to tend to agree with the most of the talking heads here, McCain seems like a very good candidate against say Hillary, because I dont even think some of the most extreme liberals are ready for her. They way I see the U.S. today, is a place that is war torn, on the brink of a economic collapse, with government spending as high as it has ever been. Those are the issues I see dominating this election, and I dont see an extreme liberal being the one that can change these current trends in the U.S. I dont know what my feeling is on the war in Iraq, but surrendering and withdrawing our armed forces from an unstable Iraq doesnt seem like a good answer. To me us giving up is as good as a win to all terrorists and extremist islamic groups that threaten the U.S. in many ways. I think us getting involved in this War was probably a mistake, but now that we are there I believe we must finish what we have started. We cannot be perceived as weak in the middle east, with Iran staring down at us. We cannot allow civil war in Iraq, and make that area even more unstable. Remember we are heavily vested in that area whether we like it or not, and until we no longer rely on oil as heavily as we do, we need the middle east to be stable and allow us to trade freely. I believe Senator McCain represents a Commander and Chief that can lead the U.S. to win this fight. I am not sure how I feel Hilary would do in this regard.

As far as our current economic situation. I feel this problem is even bigger than then the War in Iraq. Mortage rates are low yet forclosure rates are soaring. Price of living is going through the rough yet we find that unemployment is getting worse. Taxes are also killing the middle class in this country and government spending is out of control. I dont see how a big government liberal is going to be an answer to these problems. I hear Hilary talk about a health care system provided by the government that will significantly lower the cost of living, and provide every man, woman, and child the ability to get the care they need. I am all for everyone being taken care of, but I dont think she can legitimately put a system in place like this without raising the taxes of the upper and middle class. This does not create jobs, this will not fix the problem within the market, and with the foreclosure rate. McCain, has made a lot of money in the private sector, he is running a campaign that isnt blowing hundreds of millions of dollars and I believe he can retain fiscal responsibility to this country. I respect both Senators Clinton and Obama, but I do not know if they are A, ready to lead us at this time and B, capable of limiting the amount of govenment spending needed to fix this economy.

Now is John McClain a perfect candidate, most certainly not. If he gets the nod against Hilary I think the Republicans will remain in office. If Senator Obama gets the nod, I am not quite as confident. One of the downfalls to Senator McClain is his age, can he hold up under the pressure of being the leader of this country. When going toe to toe with a man thirty years his younger, prople will see the huge differences in popularity between the to men. I feel Obama is much more of a charismatic leader and will be more in touch with his constituents. I feel like this is very important in a President, however I feel like McCain experience actually should be seen as a positive to the American public. McCain served in the armed forces for 22 years he has another 25 years of political experience in both the house as well as the US Senate. He is not too conservative, set on changing social policies to mimic the views of his own. He believes in upholding the Constitution as it is at the founding of U.S. politics. I believe John McCain is the right man to lead this country back on its feet. To get us back on track as the biggest super power in the world. I am not nearly as comfortable saying that about the other candidates.


Anonymous said...

I notice that the last paragraph of your analysis several times refers to "John McClain," the main character of the Die Hard films. While he is great at getting things done, I believe he lacks the patience and diplomacy to be an effective exec.

C-Weed said...

It is your attention to detail that makes me giggle! nice post though brownski!

Big Tasty said...

Yippi-ki-yay motherfuckers!