Friday, February 8, 2008

Friday Rant: Shaved!?!

Friday are the hardest days for me to post because my mind is usually on the weekend. Instead of posting what is on my mind, my goals for the weekend that are always the same, drunk, laid, sleep late. I usually either post some stupid video that makes me laugh or do a little rant about something that may grind my gears. Well I couldnt find any good videos so you will have to read some of that same bull shit that occasionally gets spewed from my mouth.

As many of you know I have been a subscriber to Penthouse for little over a year, before that I had a playboy subscription, before that I had the best gift a man has ever given, a box full of smut mags ranging from foxhole to perfect 10. I would say over the last 10 years i have seen just about every possible kind of nudie mag you can imagine. Some wonderful, Backdoor Magazinge. Some not so wonderful, playboy. At any rate I have become a coneseur of everything nakedness. Who doesnt enjoy looking at a naked woman? I mean I dont think anyone will argue that woman was gods greatest invention. Without them there would be certainly no point for me to get up in the morning. Even if you dont agree, few will argue that there is little better than a beautiful naked women.

Over those years, I have noticed a trend among these girls. Gone are the big hairy bush that defined the pubic hair from the start of mankind into the 21st century. In its place is a new look. I believe shaved is the expression. Now I for one have no problem with shaved for the most part, however a few things about the look really piss me off. The first problem i have with the shaved look is it doesnt give that area much cover. Now ladies you are going to hate me for this, but not all of you have the prettiest Va-JJ's. Some have the prototypical, biology class model vajin. However some of you have what I like to call the "open face roast beef sandwich" version which may taste the same, but can be very hard on the eyes. Look I know my cack aint the prettiest to look at, hell the very sight of it disgusts me. However that is why I like to keep a nice thick main on top to take some of the focus of it. Ladies feel free to clean up underneath and do all that jazz. This is a not a rant for letting yourself go down there. I just think the chicken skin look was so 2001. Lets get back to the days of thick landing strips shaved as arrows guiding me home.

Now the whole look thing isnt even the real reason I want bush back. The real reason is the whole thing with guys having to keep up. I bet if I asked my father, someone who is twice the man i will ever be if he has ever shaved his scrot he would punch me in the face and laugh. The old school guys never had to deal with this whole shaving of the balls thing. They were allowed to let themselves go, and the ladies used to love it. A hairy nutsack was comparable to nice car now. The more hair you had the more man you were. Aww the good ol days. While I had a girlfriend, she insisted that I stayed shaved down there. She would say, "hey I keep mine clean why cant you do the same". Since I didnt want to be cut off i would do the same. Unfortunately I never mastered the process. I would sit in the shower for good lord 45 minutes trying to get into each crevace of wrinkled nugget pouch. Still after what I though would look like a babies bottom still would be covered in hair. I never would think about doing the brazillian route, though me on my hands and knees while some babe puts hot wax on my chode and liberty bell, is quite the pleasant sight. Something is just not right about a man using hot wax for hair removal. I dont know how those guys in porn stay so smooth. Because what is worse than the actual shaving is knowing you will have to do it everysingle day because man do you itch when that shit starts to grow back. Worse than just a girl friend telling me to do so, it has actually become the culture among my male contemporaries. Fuck 90% of the guys I know shave there balls. I dont know why we started down this slippery path, Im sure it was because of a woman. All I know is I am sick of it. It has to go. I cant go my whole life worrying about what people think about me. I need to admit that people arent going to like the way I look regardless so fuckem. Let yourself go! It is time for me to bring the manhood back into my life.

It isnt that I dont see some of the definite positives to being shaved down there. Hell I went to one blow job a year to two, which is still terrible, but a 100% increase is nothing to laugh at. I did look much more endowed with the hair trimmed up. When I say looks bigger I really mean visible again. Plus it has to be a bit more sanitary. I just dont think it is worth it. Ladies you need to start letting the it go. Enough with the shaved, start going trimmed. Let the guys have what is rightfully theres. Allow me to get ready on a friday night in less than an hour and a half. I beg you. BRING BACK BUSH!!! and I aint talkin bout W.


Anonymous said...

I always felt the completely shaved look was a bit prepubescent. Seriously though, keep them balls clean.

Big Tasty said...

See if the balls were visible during intercourse then I could see a real reason to. If you could see them while you are fellating me than yeah I can see a reason to. If you are going to conistently lick on my balls or on occasion take them into your mouth, than yeah I will shave them. I havent met a girl that is willing to do that. Hey I would shave my asshole if I thought you may lick it, but it aint going to happen.

Anonymous said...

I think you hit it on the head there, so to speak.

If a broad is going to let you tea-bag her with a shaggy satchel, no reason to shave. If she will agree to do so only if you shave, you can choose to shave as long as she keeps tongue juggling the bean bag. However, if the broad isn't going to lick your balls anyway, why bother?

I think a mutual understanding reduced to writing would be appropriate.

Anonymous said...

Ok boys, when us women start asking that you spend a quarter of your life keeping not only your genitals but your legs smooth then we have something to discuss...

By the way, I highly doubt that all pus tastes the same.

Big Tasty said...

The legs argument doesnt carry any weight with me. Yes you are expected to shave your legs. Legs however are smooth and razors are made to follow that contour. Have you have held a pair of balls? No razor is made for that. Its like its like running a zambonie over quicksand. It just wasnt meant to be. Face is comparable to legs. We shave our face you shave your legs. Deal with it.

McGarnagle said...

I am ok with whatever, except bush...yech.

I would imagine though Browne, that after shaving your bag a bunch and then letting it grow, you must have a pretty nice rainforest growing round your egg carton.

huh said...

be careful boys. i empathise with your situation, but beware; The further up the rabbit pole you go, grass will grow. pretty soon youll be pissin pubes.