Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I Wish I Was Tough Like These Guys

Watch this hilarious hockey fight courtesy of With Leather. I wish just for one day I was tough enough to play hockey.


Anonymous said...

Nice vid. By the way, former Badger player Adam Burish is now the mega-enforcer for the Chicago Blackhawks. Do a youtube search for "Burish fight" and see how many vids come up.

Here's a favorite. Ballard (a former Minnesota Gopher) drops a semi-dirty hit on former Badger Jack Skille. Then Burish takes care of bidness. Don't fuck with the boys.


Big Tasty said...

That fight was awesome, I love seeing Badgers kicking ass. A little sidenote to this video. The goalie is Patrick Roy's kid. He is also the coach, and was suspended because video clearly shows he told his son to go fight the other goalie. I love sportsmanship!