Friday, March 28, 2008

Mexicans Hate Emos Too!

My buddy Zach sent me this link , all I can say is it is about time. Basically the link talks about how Emos or as they are referred to in Mexico "pokemonos" are really hated. I guess there has actually been violence towards my most hated group of children. Well gingers are right up there. Anyways if you want to join the movement against these pokemonos click here.

My favorite quote from the story, "What do you do when you are confronted with a question mark about sexuality in Mexico?" Arellano said. "You beat it up."



Anonymous said...

Hispanic culture in general is incredibly homophobic, any guy who is remotely feminine or seemingly gay is in huge trouble with those guys. We see a lot of harassment and violence over it with our clients with factories in Milwaukee.

After all, "macho" is a Spanish word. Those guys really mean it.

Big Tasty said...

Well TK like always you add to this blog everytime you post. I did not no homophobia was apart of the spanish culture. It is kind of funny that in Milwaukee, there are like three gay bars on Natl Ave right smack dab in little mexico. I guess all the more reason not to go, I dont want a butterfly knife in my side.