Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Marshall Fest

Well we made it through Marshall Fest with no casualties so that is good. It was a very wild weekend as can be expected, and we had no problems finishing 4 barrels. Friday night we grilled out and played bags, it was hot as hell out. Tried to not sweat to much but that is utterly impossible for me. We ended up going down to the tent around 10 or so, and it was pretty much dead. I was pretty disapointed in the Friday turn out but I made some rounds saw some people I wanted to see, and ten times as many people I didnt want to see. I left at about 12 to go to the bar, where some guys were mackin on my girl. No problem as they were buying her drinks and I have no problem with that. We ended up shutting the bar down, and heading back to the party. The a-bar was nuts, sex was definately in the air as hookups were happening every where. A lot of them were not addmitted to the next day however. I think most everyone saw the sun come up before heading to bed. Saturday we got started real early. Breakfast at 9 and then bloodies at 1030 or so. We had the beer tapped around noon, and since nobody really started showing up until 3 or so we were a complete mess real early in the day. Well because of this I didnt account for the really hot sun, and I ended up getting sun burned to shit. This as you know is a perfect base for crazy drunkeness but it ended up kicking my ass more than anything. At ten oclock I thought it was 3 am. Anyways we went to the bar and had some pick me up shots, and then headed down to the tent. Saturday there was a much better turnout. Saw a lot of people I hadnt seen in forever, and just chilled. I actually sobered up a ton, at the tent because I just didnt have the stomach to drink anymore beer. This is by no means meant to be a boast but I probably drank 50 12 ounce cups over the course of two days and I just coulnt put anymore down. I went to the bar with some buddies for whisky which did give me new life for a while. Still by the time it was bar time I was ready for bed. I went back to the party and just crashed. Amazingly I was up at 8 oclock the next morning so I didnt get much time to recover. Unlike last year nobody was up for the Sunday fun day so we went down to the Home Talent game to get some food. Bored off our asses we didnt stay long and I called Marshall Fest 08 at about 3 oclock Sunday afternoon. Wonderful weather for a wonderfully drunken weekend. No arrests, and plenty of stories, half of which i am still trying to confirm.

Tommorow I leave for a Columbus OH to visit some family. My mom, girlfriend and I will be leaving around 5 for a 8 1/2 hour drive. yeah I am sure they are just going to be teaming up on me about what I need to do to become a better person but it should be a good time. Definately hitting up the Columbus zoo, maybe a baseball game (Yankees AAA team plays in Columbus) and probably just going to try and get some sun and relax. I planned this as a break between Marshall Fest and my annual trip up to Pelican Lake over the 4th. Anyways this will probably be my last post before i return, so I hope C$$$ will be pick me up like he always does.

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