Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Weekend: Mother Nature, You Fucking Whore!

So yeah with half the Midwest being flooded and many people out of places to stay this is probably going to seem like whining, but my basement has been officially K.O.'D by that slut mother nature. Sunday I worked diligently in stopping the water from coming in, but there was little I could do. Monday I awoke to a good 3 to 4 inches of water covering my entire basement floor. What a fucking mess! Heart broken is the best word I can think of to describe how I felt yesterday. A lot of hard work down the ol shitter. So now I don't know what I am going to do, I am officially without a room though for the near and not so near future. Anyways, I am over that b.s. and have decided to not let this bug me.

Saturday was a blast, the Wang was a surprising fun game and I just wish we would not have been the first fucking team out, but it was fun none the less. C$$$ and I did have the best celebrations when we scored we just did not score very often. In fact we got beat by argubly the 3rd and 4th worst teams in this double elimination tourney. However I will say the brought there "A" game against us. Something C$$$ and I have been dealing with our entire lives. We partied very hard, and saw both of my Palmer cousins whom I haven't seen in a long time which was nice. Except the fact that one of them has fallen for Nascar, which I just do not understand. The weather again reared its ugly head, and forced every sane person inside to the bar, where things ended up getting really drunk. After doing surprisingly well at cards paying for my entire day, my roommate Jake, came and picked me up and I proceeded to pass out for the rest of the evening. I just cant do it like i used to.

Friday night was the kickoff to the annually beer tent season and I was a little disappointed. I showed up primed to party as I think I had about 6 or 7 whisky's watching the Brewers dick a great start from Ben Sheets. However when I got there I just didn't have that much fun. I don't know why, the band was good the beer was cheap. I think it is because there wasn't as many friendly faces as i normally remember at local beer tents, and one of my buddies got into some shit. Anyways it was a fun night, I'm just hoping Cottage Grove is more fun this weekend.

Speaking of this weekend, I am in a wedding for a good friend of mine Tori Hein. My first wedding for the summer, and I am actually really looking forward to it. Not much pressure on me, I am just going to be walking the grannies up and seating the brides family. Being an Usher is the easiest job at a wedding, you truly have to be a Benesch to fuck it up. Anyways I have a lot of work to do cleaning up my fucking place from the mess this week, and I stayed home yesterday to do the same, so I am behind at work, so this may be a slow week for the blog. I hope that is not the case, but if it is I hope good ol C$$$ will pick me up.

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