Friday, June 6, 2008

The Price is Wrong

This video is pretty funny. It tells you a lot about the IQ of those who play and watch this terrible show. Don't tell me how great this show is either, I only like one game show and it is jeopardy.


Anonymous said...

It's the most American of shows. Anybody is permitted to play, there are no minimum qualifications. For example, they would let you play.

Jeopardy, on the other hand, is more intellectually stimulating, but they'd never let you past the qualifying tests. This is sad, because I'd love to hear that douchebag Alex Trebek correct your pronunciation of, "le Tour de France."

Big Tasty said...

Well Timmay I know I cannot match you in wit or intellectual merit, but there was that one time, I did make it do the inner circle of hell on Scene It against you. So suck on that you pompous ass clown!

Anonymous said...

Two words:

Rematch, Motherfucker.