Thursday, July 16, 2009


I rarely talk about work on the blog, because most people dont think the world of architectural glazing is that interesting and really it is not. However occasionally I get to work on a project that is interesting. Currently I am working on one of those projects at the US Bank Plaza, right across the street from the capitol. I am going to take some pictures and post them soon, but we are doing some neat stuff with structural glass curtainwalls (structural glass wall made of aluminum, steel, and glass) and also some pretty cool glass handrails. If this interests you at all I found this pretty cool articl from the NY Times that discusses some of the advancement that is being made in the structural glass field. I hope someday glass replaces a lot of building products, I could be a rich man. Anyways the arictle details the glass staircase found in most Apple stores, as well as the glass observation boxes that are on the 103 floor of the Sears Tower building. Check it out.



Timmay said...

Your dad told me everything I need to know about the glass business on my first day on the job back in 1990. "Glass breaks, payday's Friday."

Seriously, though, I think you should be inventing some new kind of use for high end structural glass products. This broad I work with put a glass staircase in her house, as well as a dining room floor that has glass tiles with some kind of lighting underneath. It seems like there would be a limitless number of applications that would get rich, bored people all lathered up. Maybe something that can be retrofitted into remodels, since nobody is building. I've seen those glass sink and counter one-piece doo-thingies, and the glass shower enclosures.

What about larger glass ceiling panels, like exaggeratedly large skylights that allow natural light in to reduce lighting costs and also reduce heating costs in the winter? Is somebody doing that shit?

Timmay said...

What about those bad-ass glass doors that are fully transparent like a window, but when you hit a switch some sort of vapor develops and makes them opaque and private? I think they have them in the shitters at some places in Milwaukee? Elsa's? Could you do that with windows instead of using dust-catching blinds? What about doing a ceiling of that type of thing? Let the light in during the day, in the winter, etc., keep the light out on hot days or when you're trying to sleep.

Get on it.

C-Weed said...

Tim that is funny because we told me the same thing when I started, but than he said "whats that in your mouth?" I said "seeds" he than proceeded to try to bumb a chew off me.
Those are all really good product ideas, I can guarantee someone is making it now, well wait no they arent we are the only ones who read this blog.
You may have a future in product development.