Friday, July 31, 2009

Live Music Friday: Drunk Drivers

The politically incorrectly titled Drunk Drivers are a band out of Eau Claire that puts on a really entertaining live show. (Not to be confused with the NYC punk outfit DRUNKDRIVER.) I must admit that I haven't seen them play in person in about 9 years. They are part of the Crustacean Records family, the Madison-based label that is home to most of my favorite local acts, including Droids Attack and the previously profiled Mad Trucker Gone Mad. The first time I had ever heard of the Drivers was catching their live show after a friend's band had played before them. Some other friends encouraged me to stay and check them out. I really enjoyed their show, it was a lot more than I was expecting. They come out on stage looking like a bunch of gas station attendants who have been at the bar since noon, but they had songs and style and energy. Their music and their style are somewhat hard to describe. A Minneapolis Star Tribune review of one of their shows may have captured it best:

"Bukowski set to music by four guys who have somehow managed to make being a motor head from small-town Wisconsin sexy."

Enough said. These guys are still out there doing it after about 15 years together. You can still catch them on a semi-regular basis at their local haunts like House of Rock in Eau Claire, but they are also no strangers to Madison joints like the High Noon Saloon and The Inferno and can often be found there when Crustacean puts together a show of the label acts.

Here's a performance from The Inferno in Madison about 2 years ago, of their song "Get Ahead."

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