Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Rant: Haters and The Big Day!

I have been getting some feedback from the blog and people are saying that I have a horrible self image, and I have even heard that I hide behind my blog, and in person I am totally different than what I write about. I would like to take some time to dispel those notions. First of all, I often use the blog to rip on myself, don’t think I do this because I do not like the person who I am. I would say quite the contrary, however I do realize that I am not perfect and instead of pretending that I am, I am quick to point out that I am not. In fact, I would say that I am quite comfortable being just the way I am. As a soft body approaching 3 bills I understand that I am not what society would call the ideal body. However I have always been comfortable with the way I look, and although I know it needs some work (I spend more time making excuses for why I cannot work out than I do actually at the gym) I have a very positive self image. I guess I look at life this way, it is a work in progress. I mean you should never be completely happy with where you are, but you should not be down over where you are not. So when I poke fun of myself, or look at some of the hilarious ironies, that have made the last 24 years tolerable, it is only me understanding that I am not really the person I want to be yet. In fact I hope everyone looks at life this way. Does having the perfect bod, perfect wife, all the money in the world, truly make someone happy? Or is half the fun getting there? I would have to say the latter. I mean it would be very cliché for me to say that life is a journey, enjoy the ride, but fuck, I am enjoying the hell out of the ride. When there is a bump in the road (keeping the cliché rolling) it is easier for me to “Deal With It” by poking fun of myself, and letting everyone else know the miseries and misfortunes that often times are hilarious. However by no means do I have a negative image or even feel remotely disappointed with where I am at! For the people that know me well, know that I am a cynic, but a fucking happy one at that. I may not always look at things through frosty colored glasses, drugs do help with that by the way, but I assure you I have a positive outlook on my life.

Now onto this notion of me using my blog as a place to say things I could never say in public. Look, obviously a lot of the shit I talk about would never talk about or would never talk about it in a normal situation. This is some what of a journal a place to get things off my chest, a place to get in touch with my sex in the city side. However I don’t think I use this as a forum to hide behind, and I promise sentiment shared on here is sentiment I believe.

Ok now that you are bored completely out of your mind reading about how I am actually blogging about what type of blogger I am. Wow! If I could kick myself in the nuts right now I would. I want to let everyone know that today is a very special day. Yes today Halo 3 officially dropped and I will be picking up my copy after work. I have waited a long time for this day, and I cannot wait, to talk shit to some 12 year old kid, after a night of boozing. Trust me there is nothing better than kicking someones ass in a video game and letting them know about it. So pick up your copy, get online, and meet me and good old Leeeeeeeeeeeeroy for the ultimate in gaming experience!

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