Thursday, September 6, 2007

Top 10: Upcoming Movies

I don’t know about the rest of you, but I am somewhat of a trailer nut. I go to about three different websites that carry trailers just so I don’t miss some great movie that might be coming out. I know you cannot tell much about a movie from a trailer, which is true, but for the most part it is the anticipation that I care about. I would compare it to a women wearing sexy lingerie is sexier than one completely naked. There is something unknown and there is growing anticipation to find out more, just like a trailer. Here are the top 10 movies that I am looking forward to like a fine women in some sexy lingerie.

Honorable Mention- Dark Knight 08’: Christian Bale to me is a shitty Batman, his voice in the first one somewhat ruined the movie for me. Even though changing your voice makes sense hearing him talk in his deepest voice made me laugh more than anything. Dark Knight is the sequel and has Heath Ledger as the joker. I wasn’t crazy about the first one but Christopher Nolan is a great director and adding the Joker can only make things better.

#10 Machete 08’: Not many people took my advice and went to go see the double feature Grindhouse, but for those who did, you got a great first look at the trailer for a fake trailer for a movie called Machete. Well Danny Trejo, Quentin Tarentino, and Robert Rodriguez got so much support for this trailer they actually decided to make the movie. I will post the trailer so you can see for yourself.

#9 White Jazz 09’: One of my favorite movies of all time is L.A. Confidential. The writer of that story is writing what is to be somewhat of a sequal to that movie. Well I should say it is based on the book that was a sequel to the movie. The only one currently signed on is up and coming director Joe Carnahan and George Clooney. If it is anything like L.A. Confidential I will love it. Carnahan is on this list again.

#8 Killing Pablo 09’: Another Carnahan movie, I have read that this is the actual movie that the fictional movie Medellin (Entourage) is based after. It is the story about a group of soldiers that were sent into Columbia to assassinate Pablo Escobar, no word yet to who is going to play Pablo, lets hope its not Vinny Chase, but Christian Bale is playing the role of the leader of the special force unit set to kill Escobar. Carnahan is working with a couple of good ones in 09’. He has one coming out with Ed Norton and Colin Farell coming out in 08’ Pride and Glory, and the music is being composed by one of my favorite artists Sage Francis.

#7 Sin City 2 and 3 08’ and 09’: I think I am the only one to think this but the best comic book, or excuse me, graphic novel to be turned into a film so far has been Sin City. Yes I like it better than 300. The characters were so much more interesting and the people rumored for the next two movies are unreal. Back are Clive Owen, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson rumors are that Johnny Depp, Antonio Bandares, and Rachel Weisz could also be joing the cast. I simply cannot wait.

#6 Choke 08’: I am currently reading this book, I went out and bought it as soon as I heard they were making it into a movie. I have long been a fan of Chuck Palahniuk work, well I only read one of his books prior, that being Fight Club. However he has such a great narrative style, and Choke has totally sucked me in. It is a story about a sex addict, who goes to restaurants and fakes choking on food, so people will save him. By doing so, he believes he is saving them, and he also uses it as an opportunity to gain peoples trust and con them out of money, to pay for his mothers hospital bills. Crazy I know but I cannot put it down. Did I mention Sam Rockwell is signed on to play the lead character Vincent Mancini.

#5 Guerrilla 08’: I have read that this is a biopic, meaning there will be two movies shot from different points of view with the same characters. Kind of like Kill Bill or even more recently Clint Eastwoods World War II movies. Steven Soderberg is one of the best in the business and this movie is about a very influential man of my parents generation, Che Guevara. You probably have seen the t-shirts. Benecio Del Torro has been casted as Che and he should be great.

#4 There Will Be Blood 08’: This movie is based on a book by author Upton Sinclair. I have only read snippets of his work from the Jungle, but he is a prized author. I have also read that this will be Danielle Day Lewis’ last movie and that in itself is reason for me to go see. Throw in the fact that it will be directed by Paul Thomas Anderson (Boogie Nights, Magnolia, Punch Drunk Love) and I will be there opening weekend.

#3 The Dirt 09’: This is a movie based on the book written as an autobiography of the band Motley Crue. This book was a bestseller and I will be reading it next. Doesn’t following Mick Mars, Tommy Lee, Nicki Sixx, and Vince Neil from a small band into the biggest rockstars in the world seem like a good movie. Well certainly and look at the rumored cast: Chis Walken as Ozzy Osbourne and Val Kilmer as David Lee Roth. I just dropped my pocket.

#2 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button 08’: Well take one of my favorite authors F. Scott Fitzgerald, my favorite directors David Fincher (Fight Club, Seven) and one of my favorite actors Brad Pitt, and how can I not be excited. This is based on Fitzgerald’s story of Benjamin Button who started to age backwards.

#1 Inglorius Bastards 09’: After he finishes Machete, Tarentino is supposedly going to work on his next movie. This is it. A Vietnam movie directed by Quentin Tarentino. I have yet to see a bad movie made by him, and this is surely to be no different. Rumored cast is thought to include Tim Roth, Mike Madsen, and Adam Sandler.


Harps said...

Now tasty i have a few comments for u. Me and u have not yet had the pleasure of haven a cold one and discussing the film industry but c-weed has told me u know your shit. I to feel i can rap about film and truly belive i know what im talking about. Some do get upset at me for not liking a movie for the entertanmint of it but i do look deeper into movies and like them for what there worth, now that doesent mean i dont enjoy the cheez ball films cause i love ripping on almost more then enjoying them. I just wanted to take my first ever comment on your guyes blod and disagree with your outlook on dark knight. This film is my number one cant wait to see!! I think bale was born to play bruce wayne/batman. He did an excellent job of showing the playboy side of wayne and the sadistic side of batman. At first i felt really bad for whoever had to play the joker after jack but after seeing the teaser many many times im pumped for heath that voice sounds so badass! I think nolan has really devolped the story in a way that burton failed to do. Plus i do like eckhart and think he will be a great two face. Im so pumped for this movie and again put it at my top. I also am pumped for this part of your and c-weeds blog. There are some films that i havent heard of yet that u posted and am excited to see others. I love this blog and u guys got me hooked. Keep up the good work


Big Tasty said...


Let me start off by saying, congrats to your wolverines for getting there fist "W" of the year. Secondly, I will say that I agree with much of what you say about this new Batman. Bale is perfect for Batman and the background story of the last movie was much more interesting than Tim Burton's take. By taking the story from Frank Miller's graphic novel version of batman, I agree we see a much darker side of the character. I enjoyed all that, the problems i have with the film are with the script. So many repeated lines and the relationship between Bale and Holmes seemed so phony. After the movie all I could think about was the cheesy "Its not who you are on the inside that defines you, it is what you do" that is uttered at least 3 times throughout the movie in that ridiculously deep voice. I think the next movie will be better, and I hope they correct the errors in the script. Ledger, was a perfect fit for Joker, and this will be a great role for him to become one of the biggest names in Hollywood. I am excited for this movie, but I thought the last one was just ok, therefor this isnt higher on my list.