Monday, April 14, 2008

The Sky is Blue and all the Leaves are Green, My Hearts as Warm as a Baked Potato...

Well it has been a while since my last post and for that I apologize. Last week was crazy, I had to move offices, because my office was being turned into the new conference room. This was not a big deal, but I dont have phone or internet access in my office yet. Then Wednesday and Thursday we had software training on our estimating software. Again not really that interesting, but we werent able to get online at all. I did however find out that I will be kind the head of this software, and in charge of making any changes that need to be made in order to maximize our estimating potential. A challenge that I am excited about as it seems my father and his partner are looking at me for some innovation. I have a lot of ideas, and I am eager to get this rolling. Work is getting busy once again. Not that we havent been busy since I started, but there was a lull with the harsh winter. As the ground thaws a lot of places want to get finished up by summer. I also have a couple of nice projects that will be starting in May and June, so I have started prepping for those. Friday of last week I was at the Naval Base securing a nice window replacement job. All in all it was a pretty damn good week at work, but left me little time to update the blog.

My weekend started kind of shitty. i didnt have any plans for Friday and this is usually a bad thing, because I usually just head to the bar and hope things sort themselves out. Well as you may know that when i do shit like this, I usually say fuck dinner and just get wrecked. This is exactly what happened. My buddy drove my car to Cambridge where we partied up with some friends and had a great time. On my way to Waterloo to meet some other friends, we passed a bar that we sometimes frequent. My buddy who told me he was sober decided he wanted to go, turned my car around, and proceeded to get my car stuck in the ditch. Now we had bars about one mile to each side of us, so it was a prime DUI spot. After we pushed for a while and got the car more stuck, and ourselves covered in mud (I wasnt really dressed for mud wrestling) we decided to head to the bar and get some help. We walked to the bar grabbed two of our buddies and tried again. We failed miserable, I sobered up, and we called it a night. The next day I spent the entire day sitting at my buddies house, watching terrible movies (I was singing fucking Newsies songs all night and all day sunday), because I didnt have a vehicle. My buddy who got my car stuck got off work at 5 and we went to get my ride. Unfortunately once we pulled it out I realized I had a flat tire. Now those who know me, know that i am about the furthest thing from a handy man, a flat tire is something I can change, but thank god my buddy is a mechanic. It took us two hours with him there to get that tire changed. The wheel was basically seized on and it took us beating on it all that time to get the fucker off. Lets just say, we were cold, angry, and cursing more than George Carlin stand up. We finally got it and I went to the store to get my favorite bottle of whisky.

We had some people over and got right to work, suddenly my weekend got a lot better. I got a text from the girl I was dating who was supposed to be in Chicago, and she said that she came back to see me, and wanted to meet up. I havent been that thrilled in a long time. Anyways it was too late for me to sober up so I ran with it and hoped she wouldnt mind. She met us all out and we had a great time, tried to orchestrate an abar but I was in no shape to keep partying, and we went home and passed out. Sunday was spent on the couch, watching the Brewers and a movie that I will tell you about later. Jenny, came back over and we shared a few laughs about the previous night before bed. All in all it was a damn good weekend.

I have finally broken the ice, on my new relationship. I dont know if she really wants anyone to know we are dating so I will just give her first name. Anyways we have been friends for as long as I can remember and we decided that we wanted to see if we would work in a different capacity. So far so good, as she has the one trait that every man should be dying to find in his girl. That is she likes me for who I am and that is it. I dont have to be fake at all around her, and that is a hell of a feeling. I have a lot of traits about myself that can be intimidating for those who first meet me, so sometimes girls dont really know what they are getting into until they see me out with my friends. With Jenny she knows exactly who I am, in fact few girls know me better. Anyways I promise not to post to many sentimental posts about having a girl friend, however I did want to share this because I am extremely content with life right now. Hopefully things stay on the up and up.


C-Weed said...

love the pix by the way, cant wait to hear more about this flat tire!

Anonymous said...

Now how many guys can say they've screwed two sisters? I guess I see why you're so happy.

Big Tasty said...


I dont dare comment on this do I? Play nice, thats all I ask...

Anonymous said...

Good for you. Seriously. I'm glad that work and life is going well. You deserve it!

Big Tasty said...

Thanks Anonymous!

Unknown said...

Thats my couch!............. And my pajamas!! Quality picture though. Anyone else notice whats in the lower left of the shot? haha

Big Tasty said...

I thought those were big ponies PJs? I didnt even notice aarons bong in the picture. That thing lasted about two days, but it was pretty damn cool.

Unknown said...

You are totally right, mine don't have feet. He had these for this tickle me elmo costume on Halloween.