Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Own a Home? You Poor Fucking Bastard!

OK so I had some more water problems at my place after I stupidly put so much time and energy fixing up my room. Lesson learned, however, I just found out that my Insurance company only protects flood damage if it came from a sewer or a backed up sub pump. If i had a fucking sub pump in my house I doubt I would have this fucking problem. American Family eat a big old fucking cock! Sorry there was no point to this blog except to vent some of my frustration. Man, responsibilities suck cock! I wish I knew some mafia guys that would torch my home so I could pay off the bank and buy a condo someplace. Yeah that probably isn't real smart idea but I am that fucking angry right now. Oh I also found out that my Insurance doesn't cover my contact lenses. So I now have to pony $240 for a 6 month supply of contacts. At this rate i will be able to pay for Lasik five fucking times over again, by the time my idiot Dr finally gives me the OK to go ahead with the proceduere (he keeps telling me maybe next time). I got news for you doc, Fuck you! I am getting Lasik and never making another eye appointment again. Get rich off someone else cocksucker! I hope he reads this...ok that helped, now I am going home to get stoned and play some fucking Halo dont bother calling me tonight.


C-Weed said...

Callie says find another Doctor. Contacts shouldn't be that expensive. She goes to Shopko eye mart and she pays like $65. She used to go to Dean and they were like $65.
Also rip that drywall out already so you can find out were it is coming from. You could probably use that fucking silver spoon that has been in your mouth since you were born to start tearing it out. Don't even start bitching about your financial woes. I do bet it is tough, what with that car payment, gas prices, looming student loan, insatiable appetite for weed, and living alone in a duplex you own. Fuck off Browne! Things could be worse, but seriously shop around a bit for these contacts Im sure you will find a pair that will fit a little easier into ever so tight budget.
sorry Tasty, someone was going to go there. I am a little erked right now since Sheets is giving me no reason to ever stop talking shit about how shitty he really is. I posted this during the bottom of the 4th inning, I hope he pulls his brittle head out of his ass...oh nice pitch...where was I, oh yeah fuck you Tasty.

Anonymous said...

c-weed and Callie are correct. As lame as it sounds, I go to Wal-Mart optical and I think I pay about $140 for a year's supply. Plus, don't buy into that 2 week bullshit. I don't recommend it, but I once wore the same pair of 2-week disposables for 8 months while I was procrastinating on taking my ass to the eye doc. Deal with it.

Plus, if you should find yourself needing spare contacts pretty much anywhere in the world, you can go to the local Wal-Mart and they can pull up your prescription and get you a box. Pretty handy if you lose a couple in the ocean in Mexico.

Anonymous said...

By the way, I stumbled on this the other day. Personally, my contacts aren't much of a burden. I don't give a fuck what Davis Duehr says, letting someone cut up your eyeballs is a pretty serious risk to take for mere convenience. Cancer in my body? Cut it out! Cut my fucking eyes so I don't have to spend 15 seconds putting in contacts in the morning? Go fuck yourself.


Also, just a basic guideline that man has relied upon for roughly 18,000 years - water runs downhill. Whenever possible, live above grade. You fucking slumlord.

Big Tasty said...

This blog keeps me humbled if nothing else. C$$$ you are right, after reading that post, boy do i sound like a whiny ass bitch. I forget sometimes that a blog is not a journal, and when I am feeling sorry for my self I should just fucking DEAL WITH IT! I am going to go get checked up by the Walmart Eye DR, and get some new contacts. I appreciate the advice. I knew I was getting cornholed...