Wednesday, April 2, 2008

This is probably huge, like my...thumbs. Oh yeah I never heard that before, fag

It is a bit late for me but seagrams fuels the great posts. So I remembered this little trick about downloading music. I used to download music from aquisition (mac based program) and it kept asking me to purchase...fuck that. The only things I really nothing. If I don't have to, especially when it comes to things on the all mighty internet. So I found this little youtube tutorial that was huge for free music. The best part is that you search music from Google. So all that shareware that you chumps probably spent a monthly prescription on is worthless, just like that dangley purple headed tape worm you call a wiener.
You are just downloading files not "music" so it is really untraceable (please for gods sake don't quote me on that in court) to a certain extent, I mean everything is traceable, if you don't believe me ask Big Tasty's roommate he doesn't spend hours in his room with my little pony blaring for no reason...he has to get in the mood, you understand. So anyway this is the link check it out for sure, it may change you life. Well maybe not, but at least I will still know that my thumbs are bigger than yours, among other things.
ps I came across a blog the other day and it said something that really hit home with the Mulherns. It read " If you read this blog and like it, The most sincere compliment is to post a comment." So if you want Tasty and the Weed to keep posting random thoughts and you check the site every day to see updates or pop in once in awhile just to see if we are still alive. Post a comment once in awhile, positive or negative at least we know that there are more than 3 people who read the blog. The first two whom write the fucker and the third is Timmmmmaaaayyyyyyy. If you read from work and don't have time to throw up a e-high five, than we get it, but take time out from your youporn hour while your at home and at least copy and paste the url to the vid you just finished to so we don't have to search through all the fat amateurs trying to make it big while we are trying to make it big, ya dig.


Unknown said...

Every week day morning around 9:00 (give or take 30 minutes) for the past two months or so I have made my routine trip to go punish the porcelain thrown at work (which was punished extra hard this morning and likely this afternoon as a result of a visit to Brothers last night for 10 cent wingies with Retz, Wizman and Joey V.) and tune into this site (which has its own icon bookmarked on the iPhone) to read some of the funniest, informative and always unedited shit ever. Needless to say this will be my morning routine until blogs are no longer published or I drop my iPhone in the shitter. Keep up the good work fellas!

Big Tasty said...


Big ups for posting. I am glad we can keep you regular. Come to think of it, everytime I get done posting I usually drop a bizzzomb! As for you C$$$, you lost me with the "My little Pony reference", but I do listen to your album a lot. It makes masturbation less painful. I am going to agree with you though, it really makes my day when somebody will post about how reading about my life has made there life seem so much better. I am hear to help, so help me help you!

C-Weed said...

Adam, those were very kind words. Much appreciated. A couple things that stand out from your comment. I too have a pooping regimen at work. It is very thorough and precise. I enjoy it. Second I think it is fitting that you are reading our blog from you iphone while taking a shit, I tip my hat to you sir.

As for you tasty...Yeah when I was writing that bit about my little pony blarring, it was in reference to your roomate spending stange amounts of time in his room. We all know he cant hate your presence that much (well he might) but unlikely. So I was trying to say that he blares childrens cartoons while working his tape worm into a lather. Now that I re-read it, te joke totatally missed and I doubt anyone got it. But you know what, that is the price I have to pay for pouring my heart and soul into this sucking blog that I now know that 4 people read. Adam you single handedly got me to the next post, touche.