Monday, November 24, 2008

Blizzard Man is Back

Much like the video last week about Giraffes, SNL has remade another skit and it does not come close to the original. Though I will say it is still much better than the Giraffe video.


huh said...

This was so very painful to watch for so many reasons. I did find it funny that they are satiring the very "gar-bage" that T-Payne puts out on the radio every other day. As if his rhymes are so tiggidy-tight. Dude can't even sing unless he's hooked up to a voice modulator. I laughed out loud when he rolled his eyes at how not-fresh Blizzard's style was. I mean, really?!?! Look at the guy. He's wearing a clown costume; top hat and all. Oh, and the shades dangling around the fresh, right? I bet it's not the first thing thats been dangling around T-Paynes chin.

So, besides the fact that this was so very, very dumbing and not funny whatsoever, I thought it was downright hilarious.

McGarnagle said...

Robot voice..robot voice...that line was as funny as the original ludacris/blizzard man skit.