Wednesday, November 5, 2008


So I called Barack after he was voted the mutha fucking President of the United States of America to congratulate him on the victory. I went right to voicemail, he is crazy like that. I will let you know when he hits me back. He is probably, as all you know hit'n the skinz right now! Either way, wether you like it or not you just witnessed one of the biggest chunks of history ever. This is big babbbbbyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**this is a non partisanship blog,**


Anonymous said...

nice call c-wezzie, unbelievable moment in history.

(bipartisan of course)


Big Tasty said...

I just thought I should give my two cents, because this is my blog and all and I have been pretty much against Barack all the way. I like many Republicans stayed home on Tuesday partly because it was the first time in my life that i have ever worked a 12 hour day (i feel you liberals), but I think America spoke pretty loud with its statement. What they said is we are sick of the status quo and we need to shake things up. I think Barack is a very solid candidate and I think he can do a wonderful job. However I have some question as I am sure most americans do.

With the House and Senate being nearly a super majority of left wingers, will Barack keep to his word and govern from the middle like he has promised? I think this is my biggest concern, and one I had with our last president as well. I am concerned that legislature is going to try and get passed that is in going to increase spending and the reach of govt. I am concerned that Barack is going to have a hard time, using his vetoe power to limit this legislature.

Another big question I have is how Barack is going to bring our troops home. He seems like a great ambassador to this country I dont think anyone would argue that, but will he turn that into an effective foreign policy especially into regards to Iraq is still a huge question mark at this time.

How can govt create millions of jobs, that he has promised by eliminating tax breaks to the private sector? It seems to me the best way to create new jobs is to give businesses incentives and tax breaks to keep jobs in this country. To regulate the cost of labor that has made it nearly impossible for Unions to compete with workers overseas or in third world countries. I am very curious how Barack intends on creating all these opportunties for the lower class and middle class without spending a small fortune. Now dont get me wrong the last regime didnt get it right either, by selling out to the private sector. However in captilistic society the biggest creator of jobs in going to be that private sector, and we need to do everything in our power to keep big business happy in this country. It keeps the economy in this world strong! I am sure there are going to be some rebuttals to this rant and I cannot wait to here them.

With all that being said, i have to say I was very moved by Barack's acceptance speech. I agree with all that have said this is such a historic time and quite frankly proves how far America has come. The support for change is staggering, now lets see if we can really make those changes happen.